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Yizhi Electronics completed hundreds of millions of yuan of round B financing

2022-09-26 16:55来源:VOA在线

  On September 26, it was reported that Yizhi Electronics had recently completed the round B financing of hundreds of millions of yuan. Among them, the delivery of the B2 round, which exceeded 100 million yuan, was completed this month. The B2 round was led by Wen's Capital, followed by Sanqi Mutual Entertainment, and the old shares Northeast Evoque Venture Capital, Datai Capital, Zhuhai Hi tech Financial Investment, etc. This round of financing will accelerate the construction of Yizhi Electronics in the end side AI universal computing platform, especially in the in-depth layout of smart security, smart car, smart hardware (AIoT) and other intelligent markets.

  Yizhi Electronics is a system solution provider with AI machine vision algorithm and SoC chip design as the core, focusing on the research and development of the end side general computing power AI SoC chip, and is committed to using AI chips to empower trillions of terminal devices.


  Founded in 2016, the founding management team is one of the most senior SoC chip design experts in China, with more than 20 years of industrial experience. In order to solve the problem of AI landing from the perspective of computing power, Yizhi Electronics aims at the SoC design of high-tech threshold, and decided to take the technical route of independent innovation when the company was founded in 2016. In 2019, Yizhi Electronics released the first generation of self-developed NPU (neural network processing unit) artificial intelligence chips. Except for the CPU, all other IPs have been independently developed.


  Core IP in artificial intelligence chips, including NPU, ISP, HD display, audio and video codec, high-speed digital analog mixing and other IP, have all completed independent research and development, and Yizhi Electronics is one of the few AI chip companies in China to achieve mass production of self-developed NPUs. After three years of large-scale mass production promotion and optimization, Yizhi Electronics has supported the mass production and shipment of rich AI terminal products.


  In the AI chip market, Yizhi Electronics has demonstrated efficient customer development support and leading mass production capability. In 2019, the company released a system level AI chip integrated with the first generation self-developed NPU (neural network processor) in mass production, which quickly helped customers achieve mass production of millions of intelligent terminal devices in a year of mass production. In 2021, Yizhi Electronics won the China IC Design Achievement Award "Outstanding Market Performance of Artificial Intelligence"..


  In 2022, Yizhi Electronics will launch the third generation AI SoC, realizing the AI chip layout covering the mainstream computing power range of 0.5 to 1.5 TOPS computing power. At the International Integrated Circuit Exhibition and Seminar, Yizhi Electronics was selected as the "Top 10 AI Chip Company" of the "Fabless 100" list, and Yizhi SV826 chip was selected as the "Best AI Chip of the Year" of the 2022 China IC Design Achievement Award.


  The landing of the end AI SoC chip will strongly promote AI computing power from the cloud to the edge and even the terminal equipment, and accelerate the integration of AI, 5G, Internet of Things and other emerging technologies. With the increasing demand for intelligent devices, thanks to the highly self-developed chip IP, the AI SoC chip independently designed by Yizhi Electronics can be customized in depth on the spot to achieve the optimal balance of chip PPA indicators (Performance/Power/Area), meet the requirements of intelligent terminals for both low power consumption and high performance, and accelerate the landing of end side AI applications.

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