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90后长相甜美产品经理胡馨心晒手持小米Civi 2定妆照:明天发布会见

2022-09-26 16:49来源:VOA在线

  Xiaomi officials have previously announced that a press conference will be held at 2:00 p.m. on September 27 (tomorrow) to launch the new Xiaomi Civi 2.


  This Xiaomi Civi 2 will be introduced by Hu Xinxin, successor of Wei Siqi, who is the current product manager of Xiaomi Civi series.


  She is also a post-90s person who graduated from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. She can code and write programs. She has participated in the behind the scenes R&D and design of many products. She is a talented and sweet looking product manager.


  Just now, Hu Xinxin has released the set makeup photos of this press conference, with Xiaomi Civi 2 in the color of "Little White Dress" in her hand.


  Xin Xin said earlier that Xiaomi Civi 2 small white skirt is a highly recognizable design. Its delicate texture is as elegant as the pleats of a high set dress skirt, which is elegant and flexible, and the efforts of designers are condensed behind it.


  It is reported that the texture of the small white skirt adopts the environment-friendly hot pressing technology, heating the ultra fine mold to about 800 ℃, and under the pressure of 0.9 MPa, making the back cover form a distinctive hem embossing.


  In addition, under the AG glass, Xiaomi uses 450nm ultra white electroplating film as the base, while the upper layer of the film uses the skirt texture similar to the embossing. The double-layer three-dimensional design, with well arranged texture, is very flexible when the light and shadow sweep, as if dancing.


  It is worth mentioning that Xiaomi Civi 2 and Hello Kitty jointly launched a trendy limited gift box this time. In addition to Xiaomi Civi 2's small white dress version, there is also a Hello Kitty customized lipstick power pack, two limited brooches, and a handmade bag of the same type, which should be loved by many female sex users.

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