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东南亚网约车巨头Grab称没有大规模裁员计划:成本节约 必须招聘门槛提高了

2022-09-26 09:13来源:VOA在线

  On the morning of September 26, Beijing time, it was reported that Grab, the Southeast Asian online car hailing and express delivery service giant, did not intend to cut jobs on a large scale like other competitors, but recruited selectively and controlled their desire to enter the financial service market.

  Alex Hungate, the company's chief operating officer, said that Grab had been worried about the global economic recession earlier this year, so it was "very cautious and wise about recruitment". Therefore, it did not freeze recruitment or "despair" of mass layoffs.

  Hengate said: "Around the middle of this year, we carried out some specific restructuring work, but I know that some other companies have been large-scale layoffs, and we think we will not do so." This is his first interview since joining Singapore in January this year.

  He revealed that the company is recruiting data science, mapping technology and other professional positions, but now every recruitment is a bigger decision than in the past. "We should do a good job of saving costs. The recruitment threshold must be raised."

  Grab is a well-known company in Southeast Asia since its establishment ten years ago. By the end of 2021, the total number of employees of the company will be about 8800. Like its competitors, the company benefited from the prosperity of catering distribution services, while car hailing services were also affected.

  With the gradual liberalization of the economy, the demand for food distribution is weakening, and public transport services have not yet fully recovered. Recently, the valuation of technology enterprises has also declined sharply, and inflation, slowing growth and rising interest rates have become the risks that companies must face.

  In recent weeks, Shopee, the largest e-commerce company in Southeast Asia, cut jobs in several countries and closed some overseas businesses. His parent company, Sea, reported that its annual e-commerce forecast had been cancelled due to the expansion of losses.

  Huntgate is a senior person in the financial services, logistics and food industries. He has rich experience in these fields. Grab took the lead in eliminating the lower profit business line of the company in the process of making the company profitable.

  The company's second quarter loss shrank to $572 million from $801 million a year ago. But last month, the company lowered its forecast for the total volume of goods this year, and said that the move was due to a stronger dollar and weak demand for food distribution.

  Last month, Grab said that it was closing dozens of so-called dark stores, namely distribution centers that need to buy groceries, and slowing down the promotion of centralized distribution facilities for "cloud kitchen" of groceries.

  "Financial services is another area where we hope to tighten our strategic intentions. In this area, our payments, wallets and non bank financial loans have grown significantly both outside and on the platform," said Huntgate

  The company also restructured its financial technology department this year to focus on areas with higher profits. The media reported the resignation of some senior managers.

  "High profit margin"

  Now, Grab is mainly committed to selling loan goods and insurance to enterprises and drivers on the platform. These enterprises and drivers often repay loans from the income sources on the platform. "As we change, our business portfolio will grow to a higher profit margin," Huntgate said

  Grab operates in 480 cities in 8 countries, with more than 5 million registered drivers and 2 million merchants on the platform.

  In 2018, after five years of high cost struggle, the company acquired Uber's Southeast Asia business, which attracted global attention.

  Grab and its partner SingTel provide banking and other products in major markets, focusing on the growth of financial services. The company merged with a shell company in NASDAQ for $40 billion last December.

  Hunter said that due to the increasingly strict financial review and the need to respond to shareholders, it is a "good time" for the company to review its use costs again. He said: "Maybe we are lucky. In a sense, it is time to complete the listing." Grab's US $7.7 billion cash flow means that the company is one of the most well capitalized industry players in Southeast Asia. Since this year, Grab's stock has fallen by about 60%, with a market value of US $10.6 billion.

  Last month, it was reported that GoTo, Grab's Indonesian competitor, was seeking to raise about $1 billion through the issuance of convertible bonds.

  Huntett said that Grab will disclose the details of profit progress and other indicators on the first investor day of this Tuesday.

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