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  • [CNN NEWS] CNN news 2010-01-27 日期:2010-01-29 10:37:06 点击:166 好评:0

    2010-01-27 CNN Some help for all of you who are helping Haitis earthquake victims and a new bill let you write off your donations this tax season. Our personal financier Jerry Malice is on top of that force. Jerry, look, this sounds like good news al...

  • [CNN NEWS] CNN news 2010-01-26 日期:2010-01-27 12:14:24 点击:295 好评:2

    2010-01-26 CNN As the mortgage crisis has deepened, more people have turned to Uncle Sam for their home loans. And for many, it's their last hope for home ownership. Well, beginning today those FHA mortgages are going to be even tougher to get. Let's...

  • [CNN NEWS] CNN news 2010-01-25 日期:2010-01-26 18:39:58 点击:168 好评:0

    2010-01-25 CNN ACOSTA: There certainly will be some Wednesday morning quarterbacking. But none of that will take place over on the Republican side of this race. Scott Brown was a very different crowd last night at his victory party. He was almost gid...

  • [CNN NEWS] CNN news 2010-01-24 日期:2010-01-25 22:32:42 点击:304 好评:0

    2010-01-24 CNN Here's the tally. 52-47 for the Republican Scott Brown. Yes, I said the Republican in Massachusetts. Not used to hearing that, but it's not just about Massachusetts. The voters had their say and they chose Scott Brown so what does that...

  • [CNN NEWS] 寒假摆脱懒散的五个秘诀 日期:2010-01-20 11:57:10 点击:251 好评:0

    寒假里童鞋们都玩疯了吧。不过可别太放纵自己,一个月的懒散在开学时很难迅速恢复哦。所以现在就和小编一起看看有什么法子可以摆脱寒假的懒散吧! Get off that couch and begin the more product...

  • [CNN NEWS] 谷歌的远水解不了百度的近渴 日期:2010-01-20 11:56:46 点击:192 好评:0

    要是你最大的竞争对手看起来肯定会撤出你已经占有绝对优势的市场,那绝对是好消息。 When your biggest rival looks set to leave a market you already dominate, it must be good news. 中国最主要的互联网搜索引擎...

  • [CNN NEWS] 美国公众为海地捐款金额破纪录 日期:2010-01-20 11:56:02 点击:143 好评:0

    1月19日,在海地太子港的一座难民营里,一名妇女正在出售其拥有的海鲜食物 四天时间里,美国人为救援海地的行动捐资超过1.5亿美元,创下灾后募资规模的纪录。 American donors raised more than...

  • [CNN NEWS] 谷歌“推迟”在中国发布手机 日期:2010-01-20 11:55:16 点击:402 好评:0

    Google has delayed the launches of two Android-based mobile handsets in China, the first tangible sign that the US internet company is likely to suffer from its dispute with Beijing over hacking. 谷歌(Google)已推迟在中国发布两款采用Andr...

  • [CNN NEWS] 日航申请破产保护 重组方案出台 日期:2010-01-20 11:55:02 点击:288 好评:0

    Japan Airlines yesterday became the biggest local corporate failure outside the financial industry when it filed for bankruptcy protection as part of a makeover which will see it lose a third of its staff, shed multiple routes and sell dozens of asse...

  • [CNN NEWS] 韩国研制出机器人女佣 日期:2010-01-20 11:54:35 点击:225 好评:0

    韩国科学家近期研制出了一个名为Mahru-Z的智能机器人女佣,她能帮助主人打扫房子、将衣服倾倒进洗衣机、用微波炉加热食物等。据介 绍,这名女佣身高1.3米、体重55公斤,她的头部可以转动...

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