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BBC NEWS 2015-12-14 全球首批试管狗宝宝诞生

2015-12-14 18:43来源:未知


Hello, I'm Marian Marshall with the BBC news.

The outgoing Argentine president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has bid farewell to tens of thousands of her supporters in the center of Buenos Aires. In an emotional
speech outside the presidential palace, Ms Fernandez accused of the Argentine media of waging war against her left-wing government. She and her late husband Nestor Kirchner had held power for the past twelve years. Cristina Fernandez defended her economic record, saying no previous government has left Argentina free of debt, and she held her suit of human-right abuses commited under military rule. "We have left an example to the world that there is no impunity in Argentina and we don't need any international tribunal to take charge of our history and our tragedy. This is a unique case in the world."

Sharp differences between rich and developing countries have emerged at the climate change summit in Paris as delegates work overnight on the draft agreement drawn up by the French hosts. France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius says he's confident of ultimate success by Friday. Roger Harriby reports from Paris.

Representatives of vulnerable nations said proposals wouldn't protect their countries from dangerous climate change. They want a clear, long-term funding to help them
adapt to a heating climate and get clean energy. They said rich countries will recline out to provide cash and cut emissions. Other nations said the tax would fail
unless they send a clear signal to investors that fossil fuels would be phased out in coming decades. Others complain that aviation and shipping emissions had been
left out of the agreement.

India and Pakistan have agreed to resume the comprehensive talks on long-standing disputes that they broke off 7 years ago. The deal was reached at talks in Islamabad between the Indian Foreign Minister, Sue, and her Pakistani counterpart, S. South.Jilania reports.

"The announcement has been seen as a breakthrough between the two nuclear-armed neighbors with the history of hostilities. A joint statement said the two sides had
agreed to restart dialogue on all the major issues, including the dispute of regiona of Kashmir and cross-border terrorism. The last round of talks broke down in 2008
after militants from Pakistan launched attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai. The joint statement said Pakistan had assured India that it would speed up the trial of
Pakistani militants accused of planning those attacks.

A head of the FBI has told the congressional hearing that a husband and wife who killed 14 people in San Bernardino had been radicalized for at least two years and
were interested in jihadizm before they met online and before the woman Tashfeen Malik moved to the United States to marry Syed Rizwan Farook. The FBI are still
investigating whether the couple had any accomplices.

World news from the BBC.

A man accused of murdering three people in an attack of a medical clinic in the US State of Colorado last month has said that he's guilty. James Cook has more.

"His arms tightly shackled to a blue jail smock, Robert Dear appeared frustrated during the procedural hearing. He repeatedly interupted his own lawyer with complaints
about his treatment and at one point shouted out "I'm guilty. There is no trial. I'm a warrior for the babies."adding the beoperators of the clinic planned parenthood
were killing babies. Mr.Dear is accused of opening fire outside the facility in Colorado streets last month killing a policeman, a former soldier and a mother of two
and injuring nine others. The defense said they were trying to establish the extent of what they called Mr. Dear's mental illness.

Donald Trump had said that he will not quit the race to become the next president despite a growing backlash of his proposal that Muslims be banned from entering the
United States. Mr. Trump is the current front runner among those seeking the republican nomination for 2016. His controversial remarks about Muslims have drawn global condemnation.

The South African President Jacob Zuma has sacked his finance minister Nhlanhla Nene who's been replaced by a relatively unknown former mayor and member of parliament, David van Rooyen. President Zuma gave no reason for the change. The new minister will face the task of reviving South Africa's economy. On Monday, his credit rating was downgraded to just above junk status.

Scientists have announced that a surrogate dog has given birth to the world's first test-tube puppies. The seven dogs were born in July after the spermed eggs of
beagle, Labrador and cocker spaniel dogs were fertilized in vitro and transferd to a host mother. Researchers from Cornell Universty in the US say it could help them
preserve endangered dog species and eradicate inheritable diseases. They say dog embryos could also be used to study human diseases.

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