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BBC NEWS 2015-06-18 推特总裁迪克将于六月底辞职

2022-09-11 11:27来源:未知

  BBC News with Sue Montgomery.

  French investigators say they are opening a fresh inquiry into the case of the Germanwings co-pilot, who deliberately crashed a plane in the French Alps. It follows confirmation that some doctors, who treated Andreas Lubitz, judged him unfit to fly, but failed to alert his employers, because of patient confidentiality laws. The French Prosecutor, Brice Robin, speaking through a female translator, said an investigation was trying to establish whether manslaughter charges should be brought in connection with the case.

  He was taking antidepressants, and he had been on sick leave for ten days. And some of the doctors found that he was very down, very unsure of himself, tense. And some of them believed that he was not apt to fly. Andreas Lubitz told doctors that he was only sleeping two hours at night and feared he was going blind. All one hundred and fifty people on board the plane were killed.

  The Chief Executive of Twitter, Dick Costolo, is stepping down at the end of June. The company gave no reason for his departure. But the firm's financial performance has disappointed investors. Michelle Fleury is in New York.

  While the announcement, not surprisingly, given what Twitter is, was made over their website on their investor relations, Twitter Feed. They said that Dick Costolo would be stepping down at the end of the month. Jack Dorsey returns to the home, while the Board starts the search for permanent replacement. The reaction on Wall Street has been fairly swift. The share prices have been up. There has been a sense amongst investors. They were concerned that Twitter was generating enough profit quick enough.

  International creditors have warned Greece that time was running out for a deal over its debts. The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, said the Greek government had to become more realistic and commit to reforms, in order to receive the remaining eight-billion dollars from its international bailout.

  A surgeon in South Africa has confirmed that the man, who had the world's first penis transplant, is to become a father. Professor Andre van der Merwe, who performed the operation in December, said the patient's partner is four-month pregnant.

  An Egyptian court has sentenced a policeman to fifteen years in jail for shooting dead an unarmed woman protester. Shaima al-Sabbagh was killed in January, when she was hit by shotgun pellets fired from a close range, while taking part in a peaceful demonstration in Cairo. Alan Johnston reports.

  Shaima al-Sabbagh was a mother, a poet and a political activist. The march she went on was peaceful, but it hadn't been officially authorised. The riot police moved in to break it up, and Ms. Al-Sabbagh was blasted at a close range with a shotgun. For many, the scene came to symbolise the ruthlessness with which dissent is now being stamped out in Egypt.

  World news from the BBC.

  Rupert Murdoch is preparing to step down as Chief Executive of his media and entertainment company, 21st Century Fox. He'll hand the position to his younger son, James. The news was leaked ahead of a board meeting next week. It is expected that Rupert Murdoch, who's eighty-four, will become Executive Chairman. His older son, Lachlan, will be made Executive Co-Chairman.

  FIFA's Director of Communications has become the latest casualty of the corruption scandal to engulf football's governing body. The BBC understands that Walter De Gregorio was asked to leave his job by FIFA's President, Sepp Blatter. As Richard Colvan reports, a joke by Mr. De Gregorio contributed to his downfall.

  FIFA's President, Secretary-General and Communications Director are all in a car. Who's driving? Answer: The police. That joke told on Swiss television by Walter De Gregorio sealed the end of his time as FIFA's Media Chief. Quotes in Swiss magazine PR professional close to Sepp Blatter criticised Mr. De Gregorio for the FIFA leaders' bad image. And with Mr. Blatter refusing to disavow his comments, Walter De Gregorio was asked to leave.

  Paraguay's Senate has agreed to end the legal immunities surrounding the headquarters of South America's Football Federation. The move follows charges of corruption filed against some of its officials by U.S. prosecutors. The building was perviously a zone of immunity like foreign embassies, which meant nobody had the right to enter and search the premises.

  The Spanish Parliament has approved a law that would ease the path to citizenship for the descendants of Jews who were forced to flee the country in 1492. The aim is to correct what the governments called an historic mistake. During the Spanish Inquisition, the population of what are known as Sephardic Jews, were told to convert to Catholicism or be burned to the stake, if they stayed in the country.


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