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BBC NEWS 2015-12-12 2著名户外运动品牌创始人意外身亡

2015-12-12 08:21来源:未知


The electoral authorities in Venezuela have confirmed that the opposition alliance won a two-thirds majority in parliament in Sunday's election. The super majority gives the Democratic Unity coalition extensive powers to challenge the Socialist president Nicolas Maduro. These include the ability to initiate a referendum on whether to revoke Mr.Maduro's mandate. It is said its first priority will be to secure the release of jailed opposition leaders and address Venezuela's deep economic crisis. Jesus Torrealba is the coalition secretary general. At this point, we have to make a public appeal to the national government. We urge it to take emergency measures in the economic and social agenda. The country has severe problems in terms of food shortages.

Buddhist monks in South Korea have warned there was a raid in the Jogye Temple in Seoul in search of a fugitive trade union leader Han Sang-gyun will be an active religious persecution. Police Seoul said they would raid the temple in the next few hours unless he turned himself in. Stephen Evans reports from Seoul. The union leader has been in the temple since a big demonstration in Seoul nearly a month ago. The government alleges the protest which turn violent was illegal. The police say Mr. Han incited that violence. There is increasingly bitter feud between its right-center government and its left-wing critics who accuse it of diminishing democracy.

The American billionaire and environment activist Douglas Tompkins has died after a kayak accident in Chili. He developed sever hypothermia after capsizing in a lake. He was 72. Douglas Tompkins made his fortune as co-founder of the clothing company North Face and Esprit. Here's James Reed. In his won words, Douglas made his fortune selling people countless things they don't need. He co-founded the clothing brand North Face and Esprit. But in the late 1980s, he turned his back on business to dedicate himself to conservation in Patagonia. He spends hundreds of millions on land in Chili and Argentina to establish vast natural reserves. The scheme was controversial, seen by some as a threat to economic development and even national sovereignty. But for Douglas Tompkins, preserving biodiversity trumped all. He died in the pristine wildness he loved and was so determined to protect.

Afghan security forces are engaged in a standoff with Taliban militants for holding a family hostage after assaulting a military base in Kandahar on Tuesday evening. Nine people are confirmed dead in the attack on the heavily fortified compound which houses Kandahar's airport and the joint NATO and Afghan military headquarters. Local media say the number killed may be higher. BBC news.

Rwanda has announced that a referendum will be held next week on 18th. The constitutional amendment that would allow president Paul Kagame to stand for a third term in 2017. Parliament approved the change last month after it was petitioned by 3 million people. Mr Kagame has been credited for rebuilding Rwanda after the genocide in 1994. But opponents say he has become increasingly intolerant of dissent.

The UN special advisor on the prevention of genocide has warned that Burundi could descend into civil war if the political violence there does not stop. Adama Dieng said both government and opposition forces in Burundi were manipulating ethnicity. And heavy weaponry was being used. He said there was a danger the 1993 Arusha peace accord could be destroyed. And if it that happened, the worst was possible.

The US says the investigation reports that Iran conducted a test of ballistic missile last month violating UN ban. The American ambassador to the UN is Samantha Power. I don't want to get ahead of the work that people who're doing inside the US government to see if we can confirm it but as happened last time, if we can confirm it and if there is a violation of any UN security council resolution, we will come here and we will seek appropriate action. Iran says any sanctions will breach the nuclear deal it struke with world powers earlier this year.

Officials from Cuba and the US have had a preliminary meeting to discuss the compensation the two former cold war enemies are seeking from each other. Cuba wants more than 120 billion dollars for the effects the economic embargo imposed on it after 1959 the revolution. Washington is processing claims to acclaim 8 billion dollars on behalf of the American companies and citizens. BBC news.

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