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BBC NEWS 2015-11-22 伊朗开始拆除核设施

2015-11-22 09:09来源:未知


Hello, I'm Sue Montgomery with the BBC News.

The French authorities say the fate of the suspected ringleader of the last week’s deadly attacks in Paris remains unknown following a police raid earlier Wednesday.
The Paris prosecutors said the chief suspect Abdelhamid Abaaoud was not among those arrested in the operation, but others killed in the raid were yet to be identified.
Hues Kefel reports.

The prosecutors said there were two bodies found after the raid in Saint-Denis, but such was the scene of destruction inside of that, they could not be certain there
was not a third. Of the 8 people who were taken to the custody, none, he said, was Abdelhamid Abaaoud. But that appeared to leave open the possibility that the man
suspected to be the ringleader behind Friday’s attacks may have been one of those killed in the raid. That is certainly what some American media are reporting quoting
American Security Officials. What is known is that French Intelligence received the tip on Monday that Abaaoud might be in France, and it was this that led tim to the
Saint-Denis flat.

The IS group says it has killed two more hostages, a Norwegian and a Chinese national after their governments fail to pay a ransom. The Group published what it said
with photographs of the men’s bodies. They appear to have been shot. Norway and China have both condemned the killings.

Police in Honduras say they have arrested five Syrians who were traveling in stolen Greek passports and were intending to head overland to the United States. The men
do not speak a word of Greek. Leonard Russia reports.

Honduran police said the five men were planning to travel to the north of the country, and then across into Guatemala and Mexico before arriving at US border, some
2,000 km away. They were detained at the airport in Tegucigalpa. A police spokesman says interpol will try to help establish their identities, that is increasing
concerning that the US is the terrorists’ attacks over the arrivals of Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

The UN nuclear agency the IAEA says that Iran has begun removing nuclear technology in line with its agreement with the six world powers. Bethany Bell reports.

The IAEA report says Iran has started taking away centrifuges and related infrastructure at its enrichment plants at A and F. The IAEA is verifying and monitoring the
process. According to the report, almost a quarter of the centrifuges in store have been removed since October. These steps agreed on the deal of six world powers are
meant to make it more difficult for Iran to make a nuclear weapon. Iran says its nuclear work is purely peaceful.

Police in Nigeria say two female suicide bombers have blown themselves up in a busy market in Kano killing 13 people. On Tuesday, more than 30 people died in a suicide attack in the northeastern city of Yola. It's thought both attacks were carried out by the Islamic Group Boko Haram.

BBC news.

US researchers have grown human vocal cords in the laboratory in the first step towards better treatment for people whose voices are damaged or lost. The scientists
used human cells to grow layers of tissue which they tested in voice boxes taken from dead dogs, descent air through them using an artificial wind pipe and were able
to produce some realistic sounds. The researchers say the work offers hope to the millions of people who suffer from voice impairment.

The upper chamber of the British parliament, the House of Lords, has behind the calls to give 16 and 17 year-old vote in a planned referendum on whether to remain in
the European Union. The government opposes a move to reduce the voting age from 18. It is believed the legitimacy of result could be undermined if a majority of
teenagers support one side.

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