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BBC NEWS 2015-11-21 法国出动戴高乐号航母打击伊斯兰国

2015-11-21 20:19来源:未知


France and Russia have intensified the air bombardments of Islamic State targets in Syria. Russia has used Submarine-launched Cruise Missiles for the first time.
Jonathan Marker says more. For the third night running, France has been carrying out air-strikes against IS targets in the group stronghold of Raqqa. The country
Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said 10 planes have been in action. Speaking on French TV, he said the aircraft carried out Charles De Gaulle would leave these
Mediterranean on Wednesday to continue strikes on specific targets and in particular on Raqqa and Deir ez-Zour. Meanwhile, Russia has dramatically step up its military
campaign. For the first time in combat, Russian submarine has fired sea-launched Cruise Missiles at IS targets near Raqqa.

Investigators in France say video evidence shows an unidentified man in a car used during the Paris attacks. He was seen in a black Seat with 2 Belgium nationals. With
European countries in high alert, an international football match in Germany was called off on short notice because what police described as a serious bomb threat.
Officials said that so far no explosives have been found in the stadium in Hannover. David Michelin reports. One and a half hours before kick-off the match between
Germany and the Netherland has cancelled. Because what Germany police describe as a concrete security threat. Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel have been due to attend the match together with numerous cabinet ministers. Initially, the German team's players did not want to go ahead the game, having already experienced trauma of being the Paris state on Friday but the team then decided to play as a sign of solidarity for France until the game was called off because of the security threats.

Nigerian officials say a biggest explosion in the city of Yola has killed more than 30 people and wounded dozens of others. Martin Patience is in Logos. An eyewitness
said the explosive was so loud it can be heard right across the city. The die in the angel for rush to the local hospitals. Reports say the blast was closed to the
city's main vegetable markets. The city of Yola is not stranger to violence. Its twin has been hit by deadly bomb attacks this year.

At least 4 people have been killed in bush fire as burning out of control in western Australia. From Sydney, John Donaldson. These are the first serious bush fire of
Australia summer and it proved deadly with several homes engulfed by flames. The worst of the blazes is in north of coastal town of Esperance. Firefighters are warning
people not to take chances and evacuate their homes. Locals schools have been closed. The work of firefighters have been hampered by strong winds with gust of up to 90 kilometers an hour although it's hoped the weather would be more favorable in the coming days. World news from the BBC.

United Nations aid agencies have warned that refugees from Syria should not be diminised in the wave of Paris attack. Some reports said one of the attackers entered
Europe by posing as a Syrian refugee. Several European politicians have already called for an end to migration. A plane carrying more than 100 Syrian refugees has
arrived in UK. It was the first such flight since the British government steps up its efforts to take in particularly vulnerable refugees from camps and countries like
Jordan and Lebanon. 20,000 would be brought to the UK over the next 5 years.

A black man who was shot on Sunday by police in the US city of Minneaplois has died. Here is Nick Bryant. Jamar clark has been on a life-support machine after being
shot in an apparent scuffle with police on the early Sunday morning. Officers have been called to the scene over an alleged assault in northern Minneaplois and claimed
they found 24-year old into fury with paramedics who are trying to help the victim. According to the police, they try to clam Jamar clark down but the shot was fired
at least once during the struggle. The officers were not wearing body-cameras. And police declined to say whether the shooting was caught on surveillance video or film
from police car.

The governor of the American state of Louisiana Bobby Jindal has become the latest to drop out of the race for the Republican nomination for the presidency. Speaking
on FOX news, Mr. Jindal acknowledged that it was not his time. He struggled to raise campaign funds and remain lower opinion polls. He is the 3rd Republican to give

The Brazilian mining company Samarco has said two of the dams it uses to hold waste water from iron production are damaged and could collapse. One of the company's reservoirs have burst earlier this month flooding dozens of homes in southeastern state of Minas Gerais. 11 people were killed. BBC News.

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