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BBC NEWS 2015-11-20 法国将尽全力摧毁"伊斯兰国"

2015-11-21 20:16来源:未知


The French President Francois Hollande just promised to destroy the Islamic State Group in a wake of Friday's attacks in Paris. In a rare address to both Houses of
Parliament, he said France would step up its aerial bombardment to IS in Iraq and Syria. At home, 2000 extra police would be recruited and the constitution might be
changed to give the police extra powers. We are not in a war of civilization becasue these murders don't represent any civilization. We are in a war against Jihad's
terrorism which threatens the whole world not just France. In his speech, president Hollande said the Paris attacks had been planned in Syria but prepared and
organized in Belgium. Investigators believed the key figure may have been Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a 27-year-old belgian of Morocco descent from the Brussel district of
Molenbeek. He's thought to be fighting with IS in Syria.

World leaders meeting at the G20 summit in Turkey have said a unified approach is needed to defeat the Islamic State Group. In the statement they said they were
committed to tackling the founding of terrorism in part through the greater exchange of information between governments and target it sanctions.

There's growing pressure from some politicians in the US to suspend the mission of refugees from Syria following the attacks in Paris. The governors of more than a
dozen states have said there were few entry although correspondents say it's unclear whether they have the power to stop people crossing state lines. From Washington, here's Jenny O'Brien. The state department says the US remains committed to recieving 10,000 Syrian refugees next year but the growing number of mainly Republican governors say they won't be welcomed in their states. As president Obama's speaking at the G20 summit in Turkey urged Americans to remain welcoming are not to give in to such dark impulses. Rick Snyder of Michigan became the first governor to object citing the threat of terorrism.

The British prime minister David Cameron has announced that Britan will spend next three billion dollars over the next five years to boost the fighting capabilities
for special forces such as the ISIS. Speaking in London, he pledged the UK's response to Paris attacks would boost both its hard and soft power. He also said the root
causes of terrorism needed to be tackled. We have to stop it at the start. Stop the seed of hatred even they planted in people's minds let alone allowing it to grow.
And that means confronting the ideology with our own liberal values exposing this extremism for waht it is, a belief system that glorifies violence and subjugates its
people not least Muslin people. World News from the BBC.

Security forces at refugee camp outside the Somalia capital, Mogadishu, have killed 11 people queing for food aids. The mayor of Mogadishu said some suspects had
already been arrested. Official said the man from rival malicious acting as security of the camp were arguing about who was in control of the distribution when
shooting broke out.

US surgeons say they have carried out the world's most extensive face transplant including the patient's entire scalp, ears and eyelids. Doctors in New York performed
a 26-hours operation on Patrick Hardison a firefighter injured in house fire as he tried to rescue a woman. The palstic surgeon who led the team Doctor Eduardo
Rodriguez pay tribute to those brave enough to undergo the operation. This is not an operation that's for everyone that's for very courageous individuals but now we
have proven the technology the ability to transplant the face has advanced.

A mining company in Brazil, Samarco, has agreed to pay at least 260 million dollars in compensation for the collapse earlier this month of two dams. The accident
caused rivers of mud to descend on nearby villagers in the southeastern state of Minas Gerais contaminating drinking water throughout Austeria. 11 people were killed,
12 are missing presumed dead. Last week the company was fined more than 66 million dollars by the Brazilian environmental agency.

The former Argentine football star Diego Maradona has left hospital in Venezuela after undergoing gastric bypass surgery. Doctors had warned him that he was 75 kilos
above his ideal weight. Maradona had a similiar operation ten years ago but he seems to put on weight and developed health problems.

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