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BBC NEWS 2015-11-19 法国出动12架战机空袭IS组织

2015-11-21 20:11来源:未知


French warplanes have carried out strikes on the Syrian city of Raqqa, a stronghold of Islamic Stete militants. The mission comes two days after the deadly attacks in
Paris which Islamic State says it was behind. Hugh Schofield sent this reports from Paris. Twelve planes took part in the attack operating efforts, French bases in
Jordan and the United Arab Emirates. The defense ministry said the targets had been identified in earlier reconnaissance flights and the attack carried out in
coordination with the Americans. President Hollande had described Friday's attacks in Paris as an act of war and he promised that France's reaction would be pitiless.

It has emerged that a man who's now the subject of a huge manhunt of the Paris shootings and bombings was stopped by police and let go hours after the attacks on
Friday. Officers stopped a car heading towards the Belgium border which was carrying 26-year-old Salah Abdeslam. Gavin Hewitt in Paris has more details. News tonight
well could be a hugely embarrassing episode for the French police. In the hours after the attacks here in Paris, they stopped a car heading towards the Belgium border.
They questioned certainly one man. There may have been two others in the vehicle. But they questioned him for some period and then they examined his ID and then they let him go. He now is the focus of the manhunt. He now is the most wanted man in France. And it turns out that his brother was one of the suicide bombers in the
attacks here. And of course this now as I said, is hugely embarrassing episode for the French police.

The president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has said there is no need to change the EU's policy on migration following the attacks in Paris. A Syrian passport found next to the body of one of the gunmen in Paris was registered to a refugee who had entered the EU last month via Greece. Mark Lowen reports from the Turkish resort of Bodrum where many make the journey to the Greek islands. The authenticity of the passport is still unclear. Frontex, the EU's border agency, warned earlier this year that Syrian passports were being forged as they're more likely to be accepted for asylum. But Greek officials say the passport was presented in Leros on October 3. The holder is likely to have reached the island from here in Bodrum, one of the over 500,000 who have travelled from Turkey to the Greek islands this year, Leros among those receiving the highest volume.

A memorial service for the 129 people killed in Friday's attacks has been held at Notre Dame Cathedral. The archbishop of Paris Cardinal Andre Armand Vingt-Trois said Paris had been hit with unusual savagery. The bodies of up 30 victims are yet to be identified and some families are still searching for missing relatives. The French
Prime Minister Manuel Valls said there were families that had been utterly destroyed. World news from the BBC.

The coalition fighting Islamic Stste militants in Syria has delivered around 50 tons of ammunition to the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces Coalition. The delivery
also included rocket-propelled grenades. Here is Gary O’Donoghue from Washington. This is the second shipment of ammunition to the groups in Northern Syria, the first taking place last month by air. This time the delivery was by road and according to one source, was roughly the same quantity as previously. Last time it amounted to around 50 tons of ammunition and rocket-propelled grenades. On that occasion, there were no weapons. Now it appears to be the same this time around. Last month, the delivery preceded a big push by the Arab and Kurdish groups to seize territory in northeastern Syria close to the Iraqi border.

The new prime minister of Nepal Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli has appealed to India to lift restrictions on the fuel, medicine and food supplies. Mr. Oli accused of India
of imposing an undeclared blockade and said it was creating a worst humanitarian crisis in the recent earthquake.

Colombia's largest rebel group the FARC has requested the release of 81 of its fighters on health grounds. In a statement, it said the lives of the prisoners are at
risk in Colombia's precarious jails.

Mexico has extradited two drug trafficking suspects to face trial in the United States. One of the men, Cesar Gastelum Serrano, was described by the US treasury
department as one of the most prolific cocaine suppliers from Mexico Sinaloa cartel. The other, Pedro Rubio Perez, had been charged with drugs and organized crime

There has been a surge of resignations of Mormons from their church in the US state of Utah over the churches'new policy on gay married couples. Serval hundred
resigned on Saturday but this swelled to about 1500 on Sunday. The new policy bars children of married same-sex couples from being baptized in the faith until they
turn 18. BBC news.

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