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CNN Students News - Otc 01 ,2014

2014-10-01 07:51来源:未知


CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: It`s the last day of September. The day Robinson Crusoe was said to be shipwrecked. My name is Carl Azuz. This is CNN


We start today in the Middle East. Afghanistan`s new president Ashraf Ghani was sworn in in yesterday. The country will actually have two

leaders, both Ghani and Abdullah were bitterly divided over who actually won Afghanistan`s presidential election. The U.S. came up with the deal

that allows both of them to have leadership positions. But will they be able to work together on their war-torn countries problems?

On the same day that Ghani took his oath of office, two suicide bombings occurred in different parts of Afghanistan. Eight police officers and

several civilians were killed. The Taliban, Afghanistan`s former rulers are trying to regain control of the country and the U.S. military mission

to the country is winding down. Though thousands of American and NATO troops are still there.

Moving west of Afghanistan, after passing over Iran and Iraq, we come to Syria. The nation`s been at civil war since 2011. And the ISIS terrorist

group has moved in taking over huge chunks of Syria land and killing anyone who gets in their way that includes civilians.

Over the weekend, President Obama said the U.S. government had underestimated what had been happening in Syria, but despite U.S.-led

airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the terrorist group continues to take over more territory.

Near Syria`s northern border with Turkey, a CNN reporter described what that looked like.


PHIL BLACK, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Crowds of Kurds watched from Turkey. They screamed in anger, some went as their fellow Kurds just across the Syrian

border were pounded by ISIS.

They watched this truck-mounted artillery repeatedly fire into a village.

The sound hits seconds later. We see Kurdish fighters running between buildings, desperately taking cover. And down here, they smashed a hole in

a wall to get away.

The noise of small arms and heavy weapons cut through the sky. One mortar around flies way off target.

Just over there where you could see that smoke stack, that was clearly mortar fire coming from across the border in Syria, landing here on Turkish

territory, and you could see, pretty close to where we are standing, pretty close to where all of these people are standing.

The crowd is furious, the people here say the coalition airstrikes against ISIS haven`t worked.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The terrorists are coming and shooting the our people and killing the woman here, killing the child here.

BLACK: This ISIS fighters are advancing from the East to take Kobani, the major city in this region. On Friday, we saw ISIS trying to move in from

the West and they are attacking from the South, too.

Kurds on both sides of the border fear Kobani will fall, unless international airpower stops ISIS quickly.

Phil Black, CNN, on the Turkey-Syria border.


AZUZ: From our transcript page at cnnstudentnews.com, here are our three schools that requested to be in our "Roll Call." First up, from

Duncanville, Texas, we are calling on the panthers from Duncanville High School.

Now, up to the buckeye state. It`s the wild cats of Vanlue High School watching today. They are at Vanlue, Ohio.

And what about the Bunny Eagle Middle School Scotts? It`s great to see you all in Buxton, Maine.

Rachel is the name of the storm in the northeast Pacific Ocean. It grew to hurricane strength on Saturday, but weekend afterward. It`s not expected

to hit land.

Still, after taking a direct shot from Hurricane Odile a couple of weeks ago. You can understand why residents of Mexico`s Baja California

Peninsula were concerned. It`s been a pretty active storm season in the Northeast Pacific. Not so much in the Atlantic. In the season that runs

from June 1 through November 30th, we`ve had five named storms so far. Four of them became hurricanes, one made landfall. Hurricane Arthur kit

North Carolina in July.

Predicting hurricanes is not an exact science. But researchers are hoping to use science to get better at it.


RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hurricane hunters fly straight into the eye of the storm. To gather the kind of information that alert emergency

systems and helps save lives.

Led by Dr. Frank Marks, the NOAA tropical cyclone research team has been doing this for decades. Carrying onboard monitors that tracks forms in

real time. To get a data, so we can better understand what makes massive storms tick. So, we can predict their path and protect ourselves in the


NOAA has an entire fleet, including two Lockheed Martin P3 (INAUDIBLE) named Kermit and Miss Piggy. Both veterans of more than 80 hurricanes.

Now, the P3s are getting a 21 century upgrade. Electrical and aeronautical engineers are going to work on the planes to the tune of $35 million

outfitting them with next generational electronics, highly engineered structural changes to withstand Category Five winds and surveillance

technology. They can see deeper and farther into storms. With the upgrades, the planes are projected to fly another 15 years or more.

By then, Dr. Marks hopes to (INAUDIBLE) for casting up to the stars. And it`s collaborating with NASA on a project called Next (INAUDIBLE), to do

just that. In the meantime, we`ll be buckling up for a safer ride in Ms. Piggy and Kermit once the renovations are complete.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Time for "The Shoutout." In which field would use the terms coda, quodlibet and trill? If you think you know it, you know

how it works, just shout it out. Is it medicine, programming, cinematography, or music? You`ve got three seconds, go!

Though these words have multiple meanings, all three of them are used in the field of music. That`s your answer and that`s your Shoutout.

AZUZ: If you have trouble sleeping, listening to relaxing classical music has been medically proven to help. If you struggle with pain, classical

music again can help, though heavy metal and techno can make things worse. If you run cross-country, music that pumps you up, may help you run faster

and longer distances. If you want to live to 100, this is music to your ears.


SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Music therapy is very much a real thing, if you go to big rehabilitation hospitals around the country, you`ll find

that it`s getting used more and more. I was fascinated to see people who have - suffered brain injuries, traumatic brain injuries and how music

therapy helps them. We find that when someone is asked to sing a song, for example, after a brain injury, how many different parts of the brain get

utilized? First, you`ve got to remember the words of that song, and then you`ve got to carry those words across, from one side of the brain to the

other to allow someone to actually begin to say those words. Then you`ve got to carry a tune, and that requires messages going across the middle of

the brain as well. And then sometimes you can even stand up and do some moves with the music and that can reestablish rhythm. So, all that from

just asking someone to sing a song. It`s pretty remarkable.

Music can induce all sorts of different moods in the brain, and people who love listening to music rarely know what really works for them, but music

can have different roles. I listen to music in the operating room, different types of music when I`m starting an operation versus ending an

operation, but whether you want to sort of be revved up or calmed down, that`s why I have music out there that can help you.

Music is universal, and it`s been around since the dawn of time. It can help you live to 100.


AZUZ: At cnnstudentnews.com, you can find every show we`ve done this year in our archive, you can also find free show transcripts, that`s the only

place we look for your roll call requests. You can also email us to let us know how we are doing, and you can get more info about major news stories

in our extra credit resources section. It`s all things CNN STUDENT NEWS, it`s all a click away it`s cnnstudentnews.com

Last Friday night in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, a 17-year old was named homecoming queen. Then she ran to the locker room, suit it up and came

back out to play football. Mary Kate Smith is the starting kicker at South Jones High School. She hones her skills in the soccer field, than tried

and succeeded in getting a spot in the football team. She says the guys don`t see her as a girl, they see her as an athlete. And now, of course,

homecoming queen.

Her school`s given her the royal treatment. It`s certainly a crowning achievement, a downright upright athletic accomplishment fit for a queen.

Something awesome is afoot in Hattiesburg, we hope you got a kick out of it. For now, we`ll turn over to your teachers and hope you have a winning day.

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