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BBC news 2010-07-07

2010-07-09 17:03来源:未知

2010-07-07 BBC

BBC News with Neil Nunes.

President Obama has said he believes Israel is serious about peace in the Middle East, following a meeting at the White House with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In marked contrast to their frosty encounter in March, Mr Obama praised Mr Netanyahu for easing the blockade on Gaza. From Washington, here is Kim Ghattas.

The two leaders were all smiles and both said they had excellent discussions. Barack Obama said the bond with Israel was unbreakable. Benjamin Netanyahu said reports about the demise of the US-Israeli relationship were flat wrong. So on atmospherics, it's a success. The spat appears over. In fact, listening to the two men it never even happened. But on substance, there was little. Mr Netanyahu spoke of concrete steps that would be taken in the coming days and weeks to further the peace process, but he gave no further details. It was expected that Mr Obama would ask Mr Netanyahu to extend a freeze on Israeli settlement building in occupied territory beyond a September deadline. It looks as though that's not happening.

Military prosecutors in Israel have charged a soldier with manslaughter during the military offensive in Gaza in January 2009. Officials say a number of other soldiers are being investigated. Here is Wyre Davis.

Israel's top military prosecutor has announced that a soldier is being charged with manslaughter for allegedly shooting two Palestinian women during the Gaza operation. According to eyewitnesses, the staff sergeant opened fire on a group of 30 Palestinian civilians, some of whom were carrying white flags. 64-year-old Salama Abu Hajaj and her 35-year-old daughter Majda were killed. The prosecutor also said a battalion commander had been disciplined for allowing his soldiers to use a Palestinian as a human shield. A criminal investigation has also begun into the bombing of a house in Gaza in which more than 100 members of the same family were taking shelter.

The United States government is filing a lawsuit against the state of Arizona over its strict immigration law. Supporters of the law in Arizona, where illegal migrants may account for as much as 8% of the population, say the state was forced to act because the federal government had failed to do so. Kevin Connolly reports from Washington.

The Obama administration has described Arizona's decision to pass its own tough laws against illegal immigration as misguided. It's clearly nervous of the way the affair has forced one of the most contentious and uncomfortable issues in American public life back onto the national political agenda. Its attempt to overturn the law is based on a point of constitutional principle that immigration is a matter of the federal authorities and that individual states don't therefore have the right to legislate against it. It also argues that the Arizona law would result in the harassment of anyone who couldn't prove their immigration status when challenged to do so.

World News from the BBC.

The British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced an inquiry into allegations that Britain's security services were complicit in the torture of terrorist suspects detained overseas since the 9/11 attacks. Addressing parliament, Mr Cameron said the allegations had damaged Britain's reputation and had to be investigated. The government has also published new guidance for intelligence and military personnel on how to deal with detainees held by other countries.

Eighteen thousand people have been evacuated from a town in northern Mexico where a dam is in danger of overflowing in the aftermath of Hurricane Alex. People from Ciudad Anahuac were taken to shelters in nearby towns and cities. The city's mayor said the water level of the dam was now critical.

The French parliament is debating a bill that could lead to fines and prison terms for women who wear full Islamic veils in public. Men who force their wives to wear the burka could face the toughest penalties, fines of around 20,000 dollars and a year in jail. Women would be treated more leniently unless they persistently flouted the ban. The bill is opposed by many of France's five million Muslims.

The Netherlands have reached the football World Cup final with a 3-2 win over Uruguay in Cape Town. Germany play Spain in the next semi-final on Wednesday. Alex Capstick has this report.

This was a gritty Dutch performance. The Uruguayans with their constant chasing and harrying made life awkward for the men in orange. But to the delight of most supporters inside the Cape Town Stadium, the Netherlands were patient; they kept their nerve and got their reward. Their colourful fans celebrated by forming a giant conga behind one of the goals. It's the third time that Dutch have reached the World Cup final. The first two ended in defeats. Perhaps it will be third time lucky.

That report from Alex Capstick.

And that's the latest BBC News.

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