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BBC NEWS 2016-06-30 世界最大太阳能飞机飞越大西洋

2016-06-30 07:48来源:未知


There has been chaos in the US congress where Democratic party politicians have been staging a sitting to demand tighter gun laws. They occupied the floor of the House of Representatives taking in sleeping bags and pillows as their protests continued through the night. The demonstration follows the attack by a gunman in a gay nightclub in Florida earlier this month, 49 people were killed. One of those who took part in the sitting is Jim Himes from Connecticuts. I'm only eight years in the institution. There are people who've been around for 40 who say this is the first time they’ve ever seen anything like it. So this is a first moment of history. We are talking about simply making sure that everybody who purchases a gun in the country get a background check to make sure they are not a felon or a known terrorist, or a known violent individual. So really we are not asking for dramatic things, we are asking for things that are supported by the vast majority of Republican to Democratic gun owners, you name it. That’s a pretty small ask in this scheme thing. The House has now adjourned until Friday.

Britain is voting in a historic referendum on the country’s membership of the European Union. Voters are being asked a single question on the ballot form. Should
United Kingdom remain a member of European Union or leave the EU. More than 46 million people are eligible to vote, the largest ever electorates in the UK.
The medical charity MSF said nearly 200 people in northeast Neigeria have died of starvation and dehydration in the past month. They were sheltered at a makeshift camp after fleeing the militant Islamist Boko Haram. Katty Winner has more. MSF staff are warning that a catastrophic humanitarian emergency is unfolding at the camp in the city of Bama in Borno State, where more than 20,000 people have taken shelter. In a statement they said around a fifth of the children they screened were suffering from acute malnutrition. The head of the MSF mission in Neigeria said new graves were being dug on daily basis as at least 60 people per day succumb to hunger and disease.

Australian officials say the gunmen in Nigeria have kidnapped seven employees of an Australian mining company. They include three Australians, a New Zealander and a South African. A convoy of cars carrying the men was ambushed near the city of Calabar in Cross River State on Wednesday and one of the drivers was killed.

A solar plane has landed in southern Spain after completing a 6,000-kilometer, three-day journey across the Atlantic. The flight marks the first solo transatlantic crossing in a solar-powered aircraft. The Swiss pilot Bertrand Piccard said he was delighted. Congratulations Bertrand. Well done. Thank you. You are back in hero. I'm back in hero!Absolutely. This is the latest world news from the BBC.

Myanmar directorial leader Aung San Suu Kyi is visiting neighboring Thailand for once being seen as a most important trip since her government took office in April. She is expected to meet some of the millions of Burma's migrant workers in Thailand.

The North Korean leader Kim Jong-un says missile tests carried out on Wednesday proved that his country is capable of attacking U.S. interests in the Pacific. State media in Pyongyang said he personally supervised the testing of two medium-range missiles. U.S. and South Korean military experts said one failed and the other traveled several hundred kilometers. Our correspondent Steve Evans is following events from the South Korean capital Seoul. The quotes from Kim Jong-un is, according to the North Korean media, We have the sure capability to attack in an overall and practical way the Americans in the Pacific operation theatre. Experts don't think there is a nuclear warhead which is light enough to be fitted on this particular missile.

Prayers are being held today in the southern Pakistani city of Karachi to mourn the burial of one of the Pakistan's best known singers. Amjad Sabri, a celebrated performer of Sufi devotional music, was shot dead Wednesday as he travelled through the city by car. The Pakistani Taliban said it carried out the attack. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has condemned the murder. BBC news.

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