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BBC NEWS 2015-09-01 利比亚两移民船翻沉或数百人丧生

2015-09-01 11:21来源:未知


Hello, I am Nile Patern with the BBC news. Rescue operations are underway of the coast of Libya after two boats carrying about 500 migrants capsized near the port of Zuwara. On unconfirmed report says there are at least a hundred bodies at hospital in Zuwara including nationals from Syria, Bangladesh and several sub-Saharan African countries. Our Libyan correspondent Rana is in Tunisia. We haven't been able to establish how many people were on each boat but from the people we've been speaking to, we are told that there were at least 400 up to 500 on both of them. And rescue operation is still underway from one of those boats that capsized later of the day. And we understand that at least 20 or together have been rescued but a hundreds are basically feared died at the stage.

Austrian police say they will know until Friday the exact number of dead migrants found in an abandoned lorry near the Hungarian border. The initial estimate vary from 20 to 50. The lorry has been left on the side of a road on motorway.

President Obama has marked the 10tn anniversary of Hurricane Katrina by praising the response of the people of New Orleans to the devastation that the city suffered. In a commemorative speech, Mr Obama said what started as a natural disaster became a man-made disarster."Orleans like so many cities in communities across the country had for too long have been plagued by structural inequalities that left too many people, especially poor people, especially people of color, without good jobs or affordable health care or decent housing, too many kids grow up surrounded by violence, crime, cycling to substandard schools where few had a short to break up poverty and so like a body weakened when the storm hit. There is no resources to fall back on."

There has been a surge in the number of deaths in Saudi Arabia from what known as MERS, middle east respiratory syndrome. Authorities say 17 people have died over the past seven days. Alan Jonstan reports. MERS and infections have been recorded in countries across the Middle East, Europe and Aisa, but Saudi has been hit hardest. Now the kingdom is coping with the surge in the number of fatalities. Formal deaths were reported on Thursday. And Health officials admit they are worried about the timing of this, next month more than 2 million Muslims from all around the world will gather in Saudi for the annual hajj pilgrimage.

An Egyptian court sentenced 12 members of the Islamic State groups to death. They were convicted of joining IS and of planning attacks against police and soldiers. An official says six of those on trial were still at large. World news from the BBC.

The father of the US reporter killed on Wednesday has said president Obama must use the opportunity to push through tougher gun control. Andy Parker ackownledged that it would be a upheaval battle. I would appeal to the president right now, this is your perfect opportunity, work with the press, they are on your side, they just lost one of their own.

The Columbian president Juan Manuel Santos has recalled its country's ambassador to Venezuela for consultions as the border between the two countries remains closed. Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro announced the border closure a week ago after three Venezuelan soldiers were wounded in a shootout with smuggler gangs.

French police have arrested two writers suspected of trying to blackmail the Moroccan authorities. Eric Laurent and Catherine Graciet are alleged to a vast of more than 3 million dollars not to publish a book said to contain compromising information reportedly about the king.

President Obama and King Slaman of Saudi Arabia will meet in Washington next Friday. Discussions will focuse on Syria, Yemen and what the White house said were Iran's destabilizing activities in the middle east. Relations betweent two countries have cooled during recent nuclear neigotiations between the US and Iran.

And finally, British scientists have found a man with an immune system disorder has been unwittingly spreading polio for nearly 30 years despite having been vaccinated against the disease.Roger Walker reports. The man’s immune disorder meant that the weakened polio virus used to vaccinate in childhood have been not killed in his gut. It had subsequently mutated into strains of live virus capable of causing paralysis as researchers discovered from samples taken from the man over a ten year period. The case is thought unlikely to be unique, and doctors fear other people with the same disorder could trigger new outbreaks of polio among individuals who have not been vaccinated. That is the BBC News.

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