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BBC NEWS 2015-08-29 澳男子发现二战炸弹

2015-08-29 09:04来源:未知


Hello, I am Sue Montgomery with the BBC news. There has been more volatility in Asian stock markets a day after Chinese central bank cut interest rates to stimulate lending in an effort to boost share prices there. China's main share index rose several times in early trading only to be brought down again by waves of selling. But the falls were less than those seen in the past two days. Here is Hailiton in Beijing. The government seems to be doing what it can using the tools that it has in its toolbox in order to encourage economic recovery and encourage recovery of the stock market. It has eased equities. It has lowered interest rates. Interest rates are now lower than they were during the 2009 financial crisis. It eases some local government debts. So it's doing all of these things and it seems that now maybe Chinese investors are feeling more positive about the prospect of Chinese companies. Shares in Tyko rose by more than 1 percent.

In a major step towards nomarlizing relations, Serbia and Kosovo sign several key agreements, including one giving Kosovo its own telephone country code for the first time. In European Union-mediated talks in Brussels in Tuesday, they agreed that Serbs living in Norhtern Kosovo should have more control of their local economy and education system and access to funds from Belgrade. The Serbian Prime Minister Alexksandar Vucic said the agreement will move the country closer to EU membership. "This is a big achievement for the whole of Serbia and it means there are no longer any obstacles, nothing stands in Serbia's way towards Europe. We've managed to overcome negatives from 1999 to 2008, negatives nothing to do with our government now. I think we've done better than expected."

The US presidential hopeful Donald Trump has clashed with a journalist from a Spanish language TV channel. The latest spat in his campaign for the Republican nomination. The journalist Jorge Ramos from the Univision Network was removed from a news conference after repeatedly trying to ask Mr Trump questions about immigration."Please sit down. You weren't be called. Sit down. Sit down. Sit down. Go ahead. No, you don't. You haven't been called.Go back to Univision."Mr Ramos was later readmitted and engaged Mr Trump in a lengthy agrument. In June, Mr Trump accused Mexico of sending rapists and criminals to the United States.

A federal judge has put temporary block on executions in the US state Mississipi. Judge Henry Wingate barred the use of two drugs that are supposed to sedate and paralyze the condemned prisoner before lethal injection . Lawyers for death roll inmates said the drugs do not preclude excruciating pain arguing that such executions breach the constitutional prohibion against cruel and unusual punishment.BBC news.

French prosecutors have formally charged a terror suspect who was tackled by passengers in a train last week. The 25-year-old Moroccan suspect Ayoub El-Khazzani has been remained in custody.

A court in Guatemala has ruled the country's 89-year-old former dictator Efrain Rios Montt can stand a trial of genocide charges despite suffering from dementia. However, the judge ruled that the trial must take place behind closed doors and he will not recieve a sentence if he is found guilty. Rios Montt used to rule the central American nation betwwen 1982 and 1983 is accused of ordering the massacre of 1700 indigenous Ixil Maya people.

A crab fisherman in Australia has caused alarm in his outback town by driving around with an unexploded World War II bomb in the back of its pick-up trunk.Damien Lumsden said he found it under a wrecked Australian World War II aircraft are clearing up after cyclone. Phil Mercer reports from Sydney. Damien Lumsden found the unexploded bomb on his way home from work near Milingimbi in Australia's northern territory. He said he threw the device into his pick-up trunk and took it around the small community for a bit of show and tell.Only when he sent his box of photo of the souvenior he wanted to keep on his mental peace with the police called. Damien was forced to abandon his home until the army could safely dispose the ornaments.

A new scientific study has revealed that there are an average of 9000 different species of microbes in house dust. Researchers of the University of Colorado found that homes contained around 2000 types of fungi and 7000 varieties of bacteria with significant more of pests at present. Some bacteria are more common in women than in men the study found. The lead researcher said most microbes are harmless and some could be beneficial. BBC news.

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