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BBC NEWS 2015-08-16 希拉里向FBI上交电子邮件服务器

2015-08-16 08:33来源:未知


I’m Natalia Rolleston with the BBC News.

Washington has questioned Turkey’s stated aim of establishing a safe zone for civilians just across the border in northern Syria in support for America and other nations. A US State Department Spokesman said there had been no agreement on establishing a safe zone in Syria.

“Our understanding is that Turkey’s granted the United States expanded access to Turkish facilities to enhance air operations against ISIL. We have been pretty clear from the podium and elsewhere saying there’s no zone, no safe heaven. What I’m talking about that here. What we’re talking about is a sustained effort to drive ISIL out of the region.”

Earlier, the Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said he hoped Turkey’s western allies would help create a safe heaven. He told the BBC that what he called moderate Syrian armed groups would protect it from attack from both President Assad’s forces or IS militants.

After months of pressure, the Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton has agreed to hand over to the FBI the private email server she used while serving as US Secretary of State. The FBI is investigating whether classified information was improperly sent via the server. Her lawyer has also submitted memory sticks containing copies of the emails. Jon Sopel is in Washington.

“Following disclosures that 2 emails have been classified as top secret, it was announced last night that the server would be given to the Justice Department. What’s unclear is whether experts will be able to retrieve the 30,000 plus emails that Mrs. Clinton deleted. She said they were personal and not work related. To say this is proving a distraction from her presidential campaign would be an understatement. Whether acceding to Republican demands and surrendering the server would draw a line under this, has to be doubted.”

A senior leader of the world’s Anglican Church says Nigeria’s Christian clergy should work more closely with Muslims to combat the threat of the militant Islamist group Boko Haram. Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon who is himself from Northern Nigeria is the new secretary-general of the Anglican Communion which represents 85 million Protestants worldwide.

The ashes of the Nobel Prize winning novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez will be taken from Mexico to Cartagena in his native Colombia in December. They will be permanently exhibited at a colonial-era cloister in the city’s historic center. Nicholas Rocha has more.

“Gabriel Garcia Marquez died in Mexico in April 2014 where he lived for many years with his family. But to the end of his life, he remained a frequent visit to Cartagena. He also set several of his works there including Love in the Time of Cholera. Many of his Colombian friends welcomed the decision to exhibit the remains of the celebrated author of One Hundred Years of Solitude in the city where he spent many of his formative years and where his parents are buried.”

BBC News.

About 40 people are missing in northern China after big landslide. The authorities in Shangluo in Shaanxi province said the slip engulfed 15 dormitory buildings and three homes owned by the Shaanxi Wuzhou mining company. Local residents have been evacuated and heavy machines were brought in along with sniff dogs to help in the rescue.

Police in the racially tense US city of Ferguson who shot and critically injured a black teenager on Sunday has released a video apparently showing him brandishing a gun. Tyrone Harris's father had insisted his son didn't have a gun and was running away from police when he was shot. The short video clip taken from a surveillance camera was filmed during protest marking the anniversary of the fatal shooting there of the unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by a white police officer.

The human rights organization Amnesty International has voted to support the decriminalization of prostitution. Resolution also calls on states to ensure sex workers have legal protection from exploitation, trafficking and violence, as well as provide equal access to health care and housing services. Critics of the move say decriminalization will prompt expansion of the sex trade. Richal Moran is a former prostitute.

"What Amnesty are proposing and endorsing is the decriminalization of pimping, and of poncing, and of brothel keeping which they refer to as the operational aspects of the sex trade. So really what they are proposing and endorsing is human rights violations."

The Mexican government has banned giveaways of baby formula to encourage breastfeeding. Health authority said formula would be available at shops and could be supplied at doctors' request. Mexico has one of the poorest records in Latin America with only 1/7 mothers breastfeeding exclusively in the baby's first six months.

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