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BBC NEWS 2015-08-15 宇航员在国际太空站种植生菜成功

2015-08-15 05:01来源:未知


Hello, I am Neil Nunes with the BBC news.

A state of emergency has been declared in the US city of Ferguson, tensions escalated after an 18-year-old black man was shot by police after a demonstration against perceived police racism. Nick Bryant is in Ferguson.

“The police have said that the gun fight erupted between two rival groups, since that they were criminals rather than protesters. They’ve charged the 18-year-old shot by plain clothes officers with ten counts, five of armed criminal action and four of first degree assault on a law enforcement official. Tyrone Harris remains in a critical condition and his father claimed that the police's account of last night violence is a bunch of lies. Rather than firing on the police, he claims his son was unarmed and running for his life.”

Sunday's demonstration marks the first anniversary of the death of his friend Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, shot dead by a white policeman.

The Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari has appointed a committee to advise him on the best way to tackle corruption and reform the legal system. Will Ross reports from Lagos.

"Corruption is a massive drain on Nigeria's public purse, so it is not surprising that president Muhammadu Buhari is seeking advice on how best to fight it. The seven-member anti-corruption committee is made up of academics and civil society activist who have a daunting task given the scale of the problem. In March, he made history by becoming the first ever opposition candidate wining an election in Nigeria. His stands on corruption was a key factor in that victory. So far, his talks tough on graft, the hard part would be uncovering it and genuinely eroding a crooked culture which is deeply engraved into many government departments."

The Peruvian government has captured two leaders of the Maoist guerrilla group Shining Path. They were brought in handcuffs by air from an isolated valley in Amazon region. The army said their column has stashed explosives and weapons near a pipeline connecting the gas fuel to the capital. Shinning Path waged a bloody rebellion in the 80's and 90's that left nearly 70,000 people died.

Astronauts on the international space station have had their first bite from a lettuce grown in orbit. Gary O’Donoghue has more details.

“Astronauts have been growing crops in space for years. But this is the first time they've eaten the produce while still in orbit. It took the crew on the space station 33 days to grow the red romaine lettuce under LED lamps. Before they could eat the leaves, they had to wipe them with sanitizing clothe and then they add it a little oil and vinegar. 'The verdict: good stuff!' Said one of the crew. NASA believed its experiment will help develop ways of making crew self-sufficient for longer journeys to places such as Mars. For now, their judgement: one small bite for man, one giant leaf for mankind."

This is the latest world news from the BBC.

Armed police have raided a house in Cameroon and freed about 70 children imprisoned there. Some captives had spent three years in chains. The house is reportedly owned by a master of a Koran school, he has said parents willingly sent their children to what he called his correctional center.

Turkish military officials in the southeastern province of Sirnak have blamed the Kurdish militants for a roadside bomb that killed four police officers. They said they were also responsible for the death of a soldier in an attack against a military helicopter there. In Turkey’s biggest city Istanbul, a far-left group the Revolutionary People's Liberation Army Front has said it fired shot at the US consulate. Also in Istanbul, a senior police, bomb disposal officer, died of his wounds following a bomb attack on a police station.

The United States says it's deeply concerned about the brief detention of 90 dissidents in Cuba over the weekend. Members of the Ladies in White group said the security forces had rounded them up then released them after 4.5 hours. The arrests come ahead of the visit by John Kerry to Havana, the first by a US Secretary of State in 70 years.

A 92-year-old Italian mother has been reunited with her daughter 71 years after they were separated during the World War Ⅱ. Mike Sanders takes up the story.

“Margot Bachmann grew up in Germany believing that her Italian mother was long dead. It was until last year when her father died that she decided to find out more. She contacted an agency specialized in tracing relatives from the World War Ⅱ. They established that her mother had been working in Germany when she bore the child of a German soldier, but he was married. So she was sent home, and that child Margot was raised by the soldier's family. To her amazement, the agency discovered that her mother were still alive.

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