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BBC NEWS 2015-07-20 奥巴马努力为伊朗核协议做辩护

2015-07-20 08:26来源:未知


Hello, I'm Jonathan Izard with the BBC news.

Within the last few minutes, Greek MPs have approved a tough set of bailout conditions imposed by the European Union. Brussels has said that the Parliament must accept its demands before talks on a new rescue package for the Greek economy could begin. In the final appeal for a YES vote, the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras repeated that he did not believe the measures, but that there were no alternatives to acceptance. He was given a standing ovation by supporters, but many other MPs spoke out angrily against the EU package.

The US President Barack Obama has stressed that the deal reached on Tuesday over Iran’s nuclear program presents an once-in-a-lifetime chance for a safer world. Under the agreement, strict limits will be imposed on Iran’s nuclear activities in return for the lifting of crippling economic sanctions. Jon Sopel reports from Washington.

"Almost more striking than what President Obama said at his news conference about the Iran deal was the tune in which he said it. He came out swinging, confident in his argument, all the fact seemingly at his fingertips, came to make the case that on the central goal of stopping Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon, this agreement had to be supported. The president has said there’ll be a robust debate with the Congress. It looks like one he’s going to relish.”

Militia fighters in Yemen backed by Saudi-led airstrikes have driven Houthi rebels out of much of the southern city of Adem. The new offensive in support of the exiled president Abdu Rabbu Mansour Haddi was launched on Tuesday. Sebastian Asher reports.

"This has clearly been the biggest setback the Houthis have suffered since the Saudis began an air campaign against them in support of president Haddi in March. The success of the local militias in the new offensive may be due to the fact that they’ve received better arms recently from the Gulf supporters and being boosted by Saudi trained fighters. The Saudi-led coalition has also coordinated closely with them in its airstrikes. The Houthis have lost the airport, much of the port and other key districts. But there are many other battle grounds in Yemen. Adem was always a very long way from a Houthi's heartland in the north."

The Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has dismissed the leadership of the western region of Transcarpathia after a weekend shootout that killed at least three people. David Stern is in Kiev.

"President Poroshenko made a surprise visit to Transcarpathia with an arm conflict took place on Saturday. There, it was announced he was replacing the region’s governor, interior ministry chief and security head. It’s still unclear what sparked the shootout. What is known is that members of the Right Sector volunteer battalion clashed with the police and the security detail of a local politician at a sports complex in the city of Mukachevo. Right Sector members reportedly used automatic rifles, grenade launchers, and a hand-fed machine gun."

The French interior minister says four people have been arrested in connection with a planned terrorist attack on a military site. The four who were arrested on Monday included a former solider aged 23.

You are listening to the world news from the BBC.

An attempt by Mexico to open up its oil industry to foreign investors for the first time in 80 years has fallen short to the government’s expectations that only two of 14 exploration blocks in the Gulf of Mexico were rewarded at an auction broadcast live on television. The government had expected to sell out at least four blocks. Output has been declining for years in Mexico, which is the world’s tenth largest oil producer.

A US Congressional committee has begun investigating the American reproductive health group Planned Parenthood after a video surfaced in which one of its executives seems to be negotiating the sale of fetal body parts. Plant Parenthood denies selling fetal body parts for profits. It said the undercover video circulated by anti-abortion groups was heavily editted to misrepresent the group.

Spain has raised the legal minimum age for marriage to 16. Until now, Spanish teenagers aged fourteen could marry with the permission of a judge. Though the practice is becoming increasingly rare with only five such marriages in the past year. The new law's intended to prevent false marriages and exploitations of teenagers by paedophiles.

High-definition images of the dwarf planet Pluto revealed that it has huge ice mountains and canyons as big as anything on earth. The images captured by the US space agency NASA’s New Horizon’s probe on Tuesday are the most detailed evertaken of Pluto. Our science correspondent Jonathan E was at mission control in L, Maryland to see the pictures coming.

"After yesterday’s dramatic flyby, there was high anticipation for this presentation. The first pin sharp view of the enigmatic little planet at the edge of our solar system. The invited university audience was an informed one. But even they were drawn to a gasp and clapped at every new image. The big surprise is how few the craters are seen, something you would expected in old surfaces. This means this world may still be active, reshaping themselves through some process that is yet to be explained."

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