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BBC NEWS 2015-07-18 希腊财政紧缩方案遭民众反对

2015-07-18 07:58来源:未知


Hello, I’m Jonathan Izard with the BBC news.

The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras is facing growing opposition in Athens to sweeping the austerity measures he agreed to introduce in exchange for a new bailout.

Mark Mardell reports from Athens.

"Alexis Tsipras returned home today from a marathon summit to an unhappy nation frown with anxiety. His government allies publicly questioned his bailout plan. It’s

not going to be an easy week. Significant tax extension and labor reforms have to pass through Parliament in record time. Many Greeks feel the Eurogroup ministers

forced their hand, they are calling it 'a coup'. The prime minister said he prevented more extreme measures, Euro recessionary trends will be avoided. But many people

on the streets fear for their livelihoods, and a growing number fear more debt will be inescapable if there plans fail to kick-start the economy."

Mexico’s interior minister has called a meeting with state governors on how to prevent an increase in violence following the escape of the country’s most wanted drug

lord. A manhunt is underway across Mexico and neighboring countries to try to recapture Joaquin Guzman, who’s the leader of the powerful Sinaloa Cartel. Analysts say

his escape from a top-security prison could trigger a violent turf war cross Mexico with rival drug cartels.

There’s been rioting in Belfast in North Ireland as police try to prevent a protestant Orange Order parade from entering a nationalist area of the city. At least

eight officers were injured after being pelted by rocks and bottles. Andy M reports.

"Senior representatives of the Progressive Unionist Party, the political wing of the Ulster Volunteer Force, have tried to calm the violence but unsuccessfully. On the

national side, officers had to lift a car onto its side to free a girl who had been run over. There are two crowds facing one another in the Ardoyne area which has

been the scene of serious rioting in previous years."

The White House says talks in Vienna aimed at reaching a deal on Iran’s nuclear program have made progress, but there are issues that remain unresolved. Six world

powers including the US, and Russia, and Britain have been negotiating with Tehran for 17 days about scaling down its nuclear activities in return for the lifting of

some economic sanctions. The latest deadline for reaching a deal has just passed. From Washington, here’s Jon Sopel.

"Really, nothing is agreed until everything is agreed, because you change one word, and then the other side could say ‘well, we need to change another word’ and then

you have to go back and renegotiate and the whole text could suddenly reopen that you thought had been closed down. So, you know, when we see them brandishing it and

reading from the documents, I think we will know then that they've finally got there."

The king of Bahrain has pardoned the prominent human right activist who spend the last three months in prison. The country’s official news agency said Nabeel Rajab

had been released for health reasons. He was being held because of comments he made online criticizing the treatment of political prisoners. Mr Rajab is from Bahrain

Shiite majority, which's been demanding greater rights in the Sunnite-led monarchy.

BBC news.

Police in Israel say they have detained a Palestinian activist a day after he was freed from prison in a deal of ending a lengthy hunger strike. They said Khader Adnan

had no Israeli permit to enter the old city in East Jerusalem. Mr Adnan, a member of the banned Islamic Shiite group, was held without charge for more than a year.

The authorities in the United States have arrested the son of a Boston police captain for allegedly plotting to commit violence on behalf of the Islamic State group.

Alexzander Cicolo, who’s 23, was taken into custody after buying firearms from an undercover FBI informer.

Gay adults will be allowed to serve as Boy Scout leaders in the United States after a unanimous vote to lift a ban that’s lasted more than a century. Simon P has the


"There’s growing pressure on America’s Boy Scout movement to end its ban on gay leaders, which has been in place since the organization was founded in 1910.

Conservative religious groups have been reluctant to change the policy. But in May the Boy Scouts of America’s president Robert Gates warned such a ban could simply

not continue, and said scouts should deal with the world as it was, not as they might wish it to be. Two years ago the Texas-based organization did lifted a ban on gay

youth becoming boy scouts. But the issue has continue to cause deep divisions.”

And one of the world’s most popular hip-pop star, the rapper 50 cent, filed a bankruptcy protection in the United States. Here’s David Willis in Los Angeles.

"Just a few weeks ago, Forbes magazine put his net worth about 155 million dollars, yet today layers in Connecticut, where he lives in a house once owned by Mike Tyson

listed both his assets and his liabilities at between 10 and 50 million dollars. Last week, the singer who rose to prominence with an album called 'Get Rich or Die

Tryin’ was ordered to pay 5 million dollars in damages to a woman over a sex tape that was posted online without her permission.” David Willis.

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