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BBC NEWS 2015-07-11 欧洲央行维持对希腊银行业援助上限

2015-07-11 10:28来源:未知


Hello, I'm Jerry Smit with the BBC news.

The European Central Bank has increased pressure on the financial system in Greece a day after the Greek people rejected the term of an international bailout. The ECB

refused to increase emergency lending to Greek banks and ordered them to provide more security for existing emergency loans. Mark Lowen reports from Athens.

"Greek banks are on life support and without a deal with Greece's creditors, their days are numbered. The European Central Bank has decided to contiune its emergency

funding but not to increase the level, putting pressure on Greek government to reach an agreement with the Euro Zone so as to shore up banks. Perhaps progress will

come tomorrow at the Euro Zone summit where Greece's Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will present new reforms after the Euro Zone's demands were rejected in the

referendeum." Banks in Greece will remain closed until Wednesday.

The leaders of French and Germany have called for an urgent resolution to the debt crisis, not just for Greece, but for the whole of Europe. A Greek government

minister George told the BBC that debt relief will be essential in any new plans.

"We're ready to make concessions. Provided that some kind of debt relief is also debut. The IMF has said clearly that the Greek debt is not sustainable. Either we’re

going to have an agreement of the type, like all the other times, which clearly is an impasse. What we’re going to have a compromise that would include also some kind

of debt relief."

Parliament in Hungary has passed new legislation, giving the government powers to close the country's borders to all migrants. It also approved the construction of a

four-meter-high razor wire fence along the border with Serbia. Addressing parliament in Budpest before the vote, the Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said Hungary was

trying to deal with a huge influx of migrants.

"Up to last night, 71,871 illegal border-crossings have registered this year. Nearly all of which happened on the border between Hungary and Serbia. This underlines

that within the European Union, Hungary bears the greatest pressure of illegal immigration."

Foreign ministers from Iran and six world powers have been meeting in the Austrian capital Vienna to try to reach a final agreement on Tehran's nuclear programme

before Tuesday night. An earlier deadline for a deal which missed last week. Both sides had said there're points still need to be resolved. But an agreement is


New rules have come into force in Brazil aimed at limiting the very high number of cesarean birth. The rules oblige hospitals to inform women about the risks and to

sign a consent form before opting for cesarean. Doctors will also have to justify why cesarean birth was necessary. Eight-five percent of all birth in Brazilian

private hospitals are cesareans in public hospitals, the figure is 45%.

World news from the BBC.

President Obama says the American-led coalition is intensifying its fight against Islamist State militants in Syria. But it will require a long campaign to defeat

them. The president has been meeting top military officials in the Pentagon in Washington, from where, Gary O'Donoghue reports.

"It's highly unusual for the president to travel to the Pentagon for such briefings and it will be seen as vote confidence not just in the military ability to defeat

IS, but also in its new Secretary of Defense Ash Carter. But the president's message was largely unchanged. The Jihadist will not be beaten any time soon. And when

they are, it is vital that the void they leave behind is filled with good local goverments and proper security."

The Nigerian military says it's released more than 180 people it detained on suspicion of having links to the Islamist group Boko Haram. A military spokesman said the

release had been screened to ensure they were innocent.

The United Nations panel has called for further investigations into the plane crash in 1961 that killed the UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold. Our UN correspondent

Nick Bryant has the details.

"Dag Hammarskjold was killed in a plane crash while on his way to broker a peace deal in what is now the Democratic Repubic of Congo. And there have long be in

thoeries that his aircraft was targetted deliberately. The United Nation's inquiry has ruled out highjacking as the cause of the crash and also put the rest claims to

the Swedish diplomat was assassinated after the plane had come down. But it did call for further investigation into new information on the possibility that the plane

had been shot down following an aerial attack of what now is Zambia."

The authorities in Canada are deploying more than 1,000 troops to help fight wild fires in the western province of Saskatchewan. The fires have forced the evacuation

of around 13,000 people and threatening several remote towns.

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