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BBC NEWS 2015-06-30 奥巴马称赞最高法院维护医改判决

2015-06-30 07:42来源:未知


Hello, I'm Marian Marshall with the BBC News.

The South African President Jacob Zuma has announced the findings of an inquiry into the shooting by police of striking workers at the Marikana platinum mine. Thirty-four miners were killed in August, 2012, the worst violence the country's seen since the end of apartheid. The inquiry heavily criticised the police.

"The commission found that the police operation should not have taken place on the 16th August because of the defects in the plan. It would have been impossible to disarm and disperse the strikers without significant bloodshed." It's said the unions and the mine-owner's lawmen have failed to resolve the strike.

President Obama has described a Supreme Court's decision to uphold a crucial part of his healthcare overhaul as "a victory for hard-working Americans". He was speaking after the court ruled that subsidies to make health insurance affordable should not depend on where people live.

"There can be no doubt that this law is working. It has changed and, in some cases, saved American lives. It's set this country on a smarter, stronger course." Gary O'Donoghue looks at the court's decision in detail.

"The case turned on just four words in the legislation -- established by the state. Opponents argued that in the 34 states that had chosen not to establish insurance markets for people to buy health plans, the subsidies that should be paid to the poorest would not be available. But in the end, the Supreme Court voted 6-3 to throw out the challenge. Hillary Clinton, the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination, applauded the decision. But the Republican leader of the House of Representatives, John Beohner, said the Obama Care was still a broken law."

Euro Zone finance ministers have ended their talks aimed at solving the Greek debt crisis without agreement. It is expected that they'll reconvene on Saturday for another round of negotiations to try and prevent Greece defaulting on its debt. Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, has refused to accept a failure of the talks.

"We haven't yet reached a point of which we could say that we've come to an agreement. But I will work until the last second to make sure that the Europe project does not collapse. I'm working for a solution compatible with the interests of Greece and Europe. I do not accept a scenario that others may already have accepted first. I will do my duty."

The former Head of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland has given an unreserved apology to victims of a notorious paedophile priest, whose offending he'd failed prevent. Cardinal Sean Brady, the former archbishop of Armagh, admitted that the culture of an internal church inquiry into Father Branden Smith in 1975 was to protect the good name of the church.

You're listening to the latest world news from the BBC.

Rwanda's head of intelligence has appeared in court in London, following his arrest under a Spanish indictment for war crimes. Karenzi Karake was released on bail. He said he would resist attempts to have him extradited to Spain. Outside the court, Rwandan Attorney General Johnston Busingye welcomed the decision.

"Now I'm so happy that this is done. I'm happy that probably it's the beginning of a long journey to expose this Spanish indictment. Because they have been illegal, unlawful, illegitimate. I'm hoping that this is a journey to expose them in the courts of law."

Spain indicted Mr Karake in connection with the killings of civilians, including Spanish aid workers, in the aftermath of the Genocide in 1994.

Mourners have gathered in Charleston, South Carolina, for the first funerals of the nine African-Americans shot dead at a Bible class last week. A L and S S were among the victims of a white gunman at the Immanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Striking taxi drivers in France are causing disruption in many cities. They are protesting against the ride-sharing service, UberPop, which is continuing to operate while it contests a court ban. From Paris, Hugh Schofield.

"Taxi drivers have set up blockades at junctions, railway stations and at the airport. And when they spot someone who they think is an independent driver, someone using the Uber phone app, there are arguments and, at times, violence. The American singer Courtney Love, who was on her way to Charles de Gaulle Airport, said that the car she was in was stopped by protesters, who smashed a window with clubs and then threw stones at her as she tried to get away. The row is over the rapid growth of independent chauffeurs using the Internet and GPS to location who taxi drivers say have none of the costs that they do and are driving them out of business." Hugh Schofield reporting.

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