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BBC NEWS 2015-06-17 卡梅伦推销欧盟改革方案遭拒绝

2015-06-17 07:12来源:未知


BBC News with Jonathan Izard.

Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott has refused to deny reports that border officials paid people-smugglers to take boats full of asylum-seekers back to Indonesia.

An Indonesian police chief reportedly said that Austrialian officials paid 30,000 dollars to people-smugglers to abort their journey. John Donnison reports.

"When asked about the claim, Tony Abbott would neither confirm or deny, but said creative strategies were being used to stop asylum-seekers' boats. He said Australia

has been suceessful at stopping boats by hawk or by crawk, adding that he was proud of the county’s border protection authorities.

Austrilian officials reportedly handed over 30,000 dollars to the crew of the boat carrying 65 asylum-seekers off Indonesia’s remote Rote Island. The Austrilian

government has taken a tough line on asylum-seekers and has been largely succesful in stopping people reaching Austrlia's shores."

French prosecutors said a new investigation into the German Wing's air disaster will decide whether manslaughter charges will be brought. Informers' confirmation that

several doctors who treated the co-pilot Andreas Lubitz had judged him unfit to fly. The doctors failed to tell Mr Andreas Lubitz's employers because of German’s

strict patient confidentiality laws.

The British Prime Minister David Cameron has been warned that he will not be allowed to dismantle the European Union as he attempts to renegontiate British terms of

membership. After meetings in Brussels, the Finnish premier said he was unwilling to enter what he called "a carousel of treaty negotiations". Ben Wright reports.

"Within the EU, there was clearly a desire to keep Britain in the club, but not at any price. There is a crucial summit in Brussles at the end of June where David

Cameron will set out his plans in detail. Before that, he is trying to charm, cajole and explain why his new goverment has embarked down between renegotiation and

referendum path. Today, though, came a sense of resistance he may face. The prime minister of Belgian dismissed the idea national parliament could be given further

details over EU legislation. The president of Romania said the free movement principle was essential."

Negeria and four of its neighbors have agreed to set up a joint military force to tackle the Islamist militants of Boko Haram. The details were announced by the

Negarian Defense spokesman A I after leaders of the five countries met at the capital of Abuja.

"The heads of states and goverments approved the immediate deployment of the multi-nationality headquarters. I can give them a chart by implementing its humans and

logistics and financial requirements."

The BBC’s Nigeria correspondent said the fact that the new Nigerian president Mohammodu Buhari called the meeting "a short notice" as a sign that ending the

insurgency is his top priority.

The United States has spent more than 2.5 billion dollars on the war against Islamic State since it began conducting air strikes in Iraq and Syria last August. The

Pentagon is spending more than nine millions dollars a day on the operation.

World news from the BBC.

A judge in the United States has ruled that there is enough evidence to charge two police officers who'd shooting dead a 12-year-old boy who was holding a replica gun.

Tamir Rice was killed in Novermber when officers responded to a call saying a young man was holding a gun in a playground in Ohio. Survelliance footage shows the child

reaching for the fake weapon and then being shot by one of the police.

The first-ever European Games get underway today in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku. But the decision to award the games to Azerbaijan, the only bidder, has been

heavily criticized because its poor human rights record. Campaigners say a number of foreign journalists have been prevented from attending the games. Our

correspondent R D said the games have brought more international focus on Azerbaijan’s record.

"In the past year, there’s been an unprecedented crackdown on human rights. Just to give you a comparison, three years ago, they'd been hosting the Eurovision Song

Contest, and back then civil society was quite active. They'd been holding all such events just to attract attention to human rights. So this year, all of those

people, human rights activists, journalists, lawyers, they are in jail."

Brazilian police say they’ve broken up an international criminal network accused of invading foreign exchange tarrifs and laundering more than 800 million dollars.

Eleven people were detained, among them a former vice president of state-owned Bank of Brazil. The police said the money was laundered in many countries including

Japan, Britain and HongKong. One of the elaborate schemes involved making illegal withdraws with cash in Venezuela in order to pay the fictitious imports from Brazil.

One of wrestling’s most colorful stars, Dusty Rhodes, who called himself "the American dream", has died at the age of 69. Rohdes, whose real name was Virgil Rilley

Runnels, has a long and glittering career which began at the late 1960s. And he was world’s heavy weight champions three times in one of the sport’s best known


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