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BBC NEWS 2015-06-15 两名谋杀犯从纽约监狱越狱

2015-06-15 06:54来源:未知


BBC news with Nick Kelly.

The White House says it's confident its strategy to train Iraqi security forces and enlist Sunnie tribal fighters will succeed in the fight against Islamic state

militants. The comments came after President Obama approved the deployment of additional 450 US military personnel to Ambar province where IS has made major gain. Josh

Ernest is White House spokesman.

Ultimately, we continue to have confidence that the effort to bulid Iraqi security forces to enlist Sunnie tribal fighters in the effort by bringing them into the

mobilization forces and putting them into the commended control Iraqi central government. And this will be an effective tactic against IS in Ambar.

Late night talks on the Greek debt crisis between the leaders of France, Germany in Greece have ended with little sign of agreement.Damian Grammaticas reports from


This was the third time in recent weeks, the leaders of France and Germany have sat late into the night searching for a deal to avert possible Greek debt default. Both

Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande left that talks in Brussels saying nothing. The German spokesman said there was an agreement with Greece that negotiations over its

bailout should be intensified. But that represents no progress. And as he left,the Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras indicated he stumped the demand for some debt

relief, saying Greece's debts need to be sustainable and its economy needs to return to growth. But European leaders won't countenance writing off debts before Greece

commits to reforms.

Swiss police have seized computer data from the Zurich office of football's governing body FIFA as part of a criminal investigation into alleged corruption. In

separating inquires, the FBI and Swiss authorities are scrutinizing FIFA's affairs including how to award the World Cup hosting rights. The former Brazilian

international footballer Zico has confirmed he intends to stand for election to succeed Sepp Blatter's president of FIFA. Zico has coached Japan's national side and

clubs in other countries.

Lawyers for a Texas police officer filmed confronting black teenagers aggressively at the pool party say its actions are caused by stress not racism. Video footage of

Eric Casebolt pinning a girl in the bikinis to the ground caused widespread anger. Tohnan Bakeman is in Washington.

Since the video was uploaded over the weekend, hundreds of people have taken into the streets in the Dalas suburb , Eric Casebolt then resigned after his own police

chief described it has been out of control during the callout. Now his lawyer has been tried to shed light on what motivated his actions saying the police officer had

allowed its emotions to get the better of him after early being called out to see a man who shot himself in front of his children. But lawyer said Eric Casebolt wanted

to apologize to anyone he was offended and said he was currently in hiding due to death threats.

BBC news.

There have been violent clashes in the the Chilean capital Santiago between riot police and students calling for reform of the country's education system. The police

responded with water cannon and tear gas after protestors threw stones at them. The students demand a greater say in the university system which they believe favors

private institutions.

Victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests have reacted with skepticism to the Pope's creation of a tribunal to deal with bishops who covered up or failed to prevent

child sex abuse. The spokesman for the U.S.-based Survivors Network of those abused by priests Marx Ranold said Pope Francis had not announced any punitive measures.

He came into office with a lot of hope but people haven't seen real change. They haven't seen an example of a bishop who's been fired in 27 months. That's not

acceptable and so addict terrificly created new panel, but there is no action here. There's nothing to give us comfort that any child is any more secure.Because of

this, he hasn't held any more bishops accountable, anyone else of these predecessors.

Canada state broadcaster says it has dismissed a popular TV presenter over allegations that he used his journalist contacts to broker art deals to collect commission.

Evan Soloman hosts CBC's flagship political television show Power and Politics. Mr Soloman has denied any wrongdoing.

US authorities believed two convicted murderers have been on the run for 5 days after breaking out of prison in New York. They have now fled to the state of Vermont.

David Sweat and Richard Matt cut their way out of the maximum security person using power tools.

An international talks in Germany on a new global climate deal are due to uplate today. And it concerns the slow progress made by negotiators.They have been criticized

by campigners from the charity Christian Aid for they've been like school children wasting time on unimportant details.

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