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BBC NEWS 2015-06-12 七国峰会谈论气候变化和极端主义

2015-06-12 07:10来源:未知


BBC news with Fiona Macdonald.

The Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu is urging all political parties to back the AKP’s plan to change the constitution despite its failure to win a majority in parliamentary elections. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had hopes with his party would still have enough support to meet the constitutional changes he wanted. But the AKP is still as the largest share of the vote, and Minister Davutoglu said everyone should acknowledged that it had won. Mark Lowen is in Istanbul.

“The party that long seen invincible here is, today, struggling to form a government. Criticized for its clampdown on free speech and its growing authoritarianism, the AK party lost its majority in this election. The big winner was the Pro-Kurdish HDP party which stormed into parliament for the first time giving a big voice to the Kurds on the national stage. No party leader has so far said they would be willing to go into coalition with AKP, which could mean that it tries to form a shaky minority government.”

Leaders of the G7 group of industrialized countries were holding a second day of talks in Bavaria today with measures to tackle climate change and radical extremism as the main issues, more from our diplomatic correspondent James Robbins.

"Chancellor Mekel has put measures to limit global warming high on her agenda for this summit. Her aim, a united G7 commitment to keep temperatures rises below 2℃ and to boost a green fund, compensating poorer countries who suffered the worst consequences of warming. The reason linked to another summit theme today, helping vulnerable governments in Africa who face violent extremism. Leaders from Nigeria and Tunisia are among those who joined talks meant to strengthen good government and weaken the influence of groups looking to radicalize the disillusioned or dispossessed."

A police officer in Texas has been suspended after a video was put online of his treatment of a group of teenagers, many of whom were black. Tom B reports from Washington.

"The video was uploaded on Saturday, and it’s since been shared widely online. It shows a white police officer growing increasingly angry with a group of mainly black teenagers after police were called to report of a disturbance of the community swimming pool. The officer confronts a 14-year-old girl wearing a bikini and appears to use his knees to pin her face down. He later points his gun at other teenagers. The force has placed the officer on administrative leave and is investigating what happened while the local mayor has said the incident has left him disturbed and concerned.

Primary results from the elections in Mexico suggest President Enrique Pena Nieto and his Institutional Revolutionary Party will keep control of Congress after mid-term elections. The party won almost 30% of the vote, despite anger at a series of political scandals and continuing levels of violence in the country.

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Singapore is observing a day of national remembrance for the six school children and two adults who were killed in an earthquake of Mt. Kinabalu in Malaysia. There has been a minute silence at the start of the days’ events in the Southeast Asian Games. Malaysians are also mourning the victims of the quake with flags flying at half-mast.

Health officials in South Korea say six persons have died from Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS. Earlier, the authority said they identified 23 further cases of the disease bringing the total number of those infected in the country to 87. Most of the new cases have been treated at a hospital in Seoul where the first patient was treated.

A new study of China’s greenhouse gas emission suggests that they could start to decline within the next ten years. The research, by the London School of Economics, indicates a fall could happen five years earlier than promised, boosting efforts of the UN climate change talks in Bonn. Despite being the world’s leading carbon polluter, China is also the biggest investor in solar, wind and nuclear power.

A young British actor has won one of the American theater’s most prestigious awards. Alex Sharp picked up a Tony, the theatrical equivalent of the Oscars for his performance in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. This report from Nick Bryant.

“The Tony Awards was dominated by actors who say [t?'mɑ?t??] rather than [t?'meto] in productions with a distinctly British accent. Dame Helen Mirren won for her performance as the Queen in The Audience, while the actor Richard McCabe picked up a gown for playing one of the 12 Prime Minister Harold Wilson, the coveted award for the best actor in the play went to Alex Sharp for his role in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. Rejected by British Drama School, he trained in New York, and beat established stars like Bradley Cooper and Bill Nighy to lift the award.”

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