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BBC NEWS 2015-06-04 国际足联主席选举在苏黎世举行

2015-06-04 07:29来源:未知


BBC news with Ian Bolton.

A voting for the next president of FIFA takes place in Zurich today, as the world governing body of football reels from its latest corruption scandal. The four-term incumbent Sepp Blatter is facing a strong challenge from Jordan's prince Ali.RC reports.

This vote has taken on a new significance following Thursday's dawn raids by police,which saw 7 FIFA officials arrested over bribery and corruption claims. FIFA is in the midst of the worst crisis in its long history, with even as president Sepp Blatter admitting these are unprecedented and difficult times for the governing body, his election rival is prince Ali of Jordan, he was backed by European football associations, but Mr Blatter will not leave FIFA without a fight and insists he cannot be held responsible for the alleged criminal actions of others.

Officials from more than a dozen countries and international agencies are holding emergency talks in Thailand on the migrant crisis in southeast Asia, the majority of the migrants are Rohingya Muslims fleeing persecution in Myanmar, but as Jonah Fisher reports from Myanmar, not much is expected to change for them.

"No one is expecting any feasibility in terms of how the state of Rohingya Muslims here in Myanmar, and that the Burmese government are very firm that they believe the problem is not about the way the Rohingyas were treated here, but it's the trafficking network which they see as been primarily based in Thailand, Malaysia, and the solution to this problem is not here on Burmese so in terms of treating Rohingya better, but it's, in fact, cracking down on those trafficking networks."

The man who won the Nigerian elections in March, Muhammadu Buhari, is being sworn in as the country’s new president today. Mr Buhari, a former military ruler, takes over from Goodluck Jonathan, who has urged him to unite the country in the face of the threat from the Boko Haram militants. Will Ross looks ahead to Mr Buhari’s swearing in.

"Mr Buhari grounded in Abuja, Eagle Square, where a hundred parades take place, a drummer and his band are busily rehearsing for the ceremony. When he takes office, Muhammadu Buhari will have a tough to-do a list, including tackling jihadist insurgency and fighting corruption. But how he stays in touch with the real world outside stay large, and how he handles the politicians who are supposedly his allies will test him in the months ahead after the celebrations have died down."

The British Prime Minister David Cameron is visiting Berlin and Warsaw, trying to secure support for his proposed EU reforms. At a working lunch with Chancellor Merkel in Berlin, his message will be the status quo in the EU is not acceptable. Mr Cameron’s talks have been crucial if it is to have achieved a meaningful reform ahead of a planned British referendum.

This is BBC news.

Two car bomb explosions which appeared to be coordinated have targeted at high profile hotels in the Iraqi capital Baghdad. Police and doctors in Baghdad said at least 10 people were killed and dozens injured in the explosions just before midnight. The blasts went off near the Babylon and Ishtar hotels, both have recently been renovated.

Syria activists say a rebel coalition led by the al-Nusra Front, a group affiliated to al- Qaeda, has seized the last town still held by government forces in the northwestern Syria province of Idlib. The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the coalition captured Ariha after fierce attacks with government troops and Hezbollah forces.

Police in Australia say at least a dozen young women from the country’s second biggest city, Melbourne, have tried to join in group Imatic State. John Donnison reports from Sydney.

"Police say all the Australians women were recruited through social media, at least five have managed to actually make it to Syria or Iraq to join in Islamic State. Another four made it as far as Turkey before being turned back by the authorities. Police say the women are aged between 18 and 29, and all from Melbourne. Officers say some have travelled hoping to get married to Islamic State fighters. Intelligence officials here estimate there are around a hundred of Australian citizens fighting with the extremist groups. This week, the government announced plans to cancel the citizenship of Australians who hold Jew nationality if they support such organizations. "

A Canadian man accused by Russia of being a Nazi war criminal has died. A lawyer of Vladimir Katriuk said his 93-year-old client died last week. Mr Katriuk was said to be a solider in a Ukraine unit of the German SS in 1943 which killed civilians of what is now Belarus. Russia charged him with genocide earlier this month. Mr. Katriuk always maintained his innocence.

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