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BBC NEWS 2015-06-01 美国警察局将由监察机构监督

2015-06-01 08:00来源:未知


BBC news with Thomas Andersen.

A combined military campaign is on the way to drive Islamic State militants out of the western province of Anbar. A Pentagon spokesman said that as the first stage

probing operation to taking place closed to the occupied city of Ramadi.But he declines to confirm a Shia militia group’s assertion that the city was already

surrounded by pro-government forces. Gary O'Donoghue reports.

“The Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren said that the Iraq forces in the largely-Shia Popular Mobilisation front have become what he called probing and

reconnaissance operations closed to Ramadi, moving out of the town of Habbaniya. But he was critical at the name given to the operation by the Shia militias which

focus on a grandson of a prophet, particularly important to Shias. That was unhelpful, said Colonel Warren. Washington has long been concerned about the potential for

sectarian conflicts in largely-Sunni Anbar and it is also trying to recruit Sunni tribes in the area to assist with the fighting. “

The internationally recognized Prime Minister of Libya Abdullah al-Thinni has escaped unharmed after would-be assassins peppered his car with bullets, in the eastern

city of Tobruk. Mr. Al-Thinni told the Pan Arab News Chanel al-Arabiya he was lucky to be alive. “My car left the House of Representatives headquarters and we were

assaulted by a heavy streak of bullets being fired from cars. But thank God we managed to survive. They tried to carry out an assassination, and this resulted in the

injury of one of those accompanying me. As for the rest of us, thank God, we survived the attacks.

Police in the Afghan capital Kabul say heavily-armed insurgents have stormed a guesthouse in a upmarket neighborhood of the city. An official said the security forces

have been rushed to the Wazir Akbar Khan area, and fighting was continuing.The BBC corespondent near the scene said there were several explosions and heavy gunfire in

the district, where many embassies and homes of senior government officials are located.

The American city of Cleveland has agreed to have its police department overseen by independent monitor under an agreement to the US federal government,the police

department will undergo training on the use of force and other reforms. Nick Byrant reports.

“Cleveland’s police force came in for a biting criticism, from a justice department investigation that revealed instances of officer shooting suspects ahead when

deadly force was not justified, and also dealing heavy handedly with the mentally ill. In recent days, the city has also seen angry protests following the acquittal of

a white police officer accused of manslaughter after the fatal shooting of an unarmed black couple in 2012. In a deal reached with federal government, the police

department has agreed to implement comprehensive reforms under which its officers will receive training to minimize racial bias.

World news from the BBC.

The authorities in India say the number of people who have been killed from effects of heat waves sweeping the country now exceeds 1,000. The government is advising

people to stay indoors or carry water with them. Sweltering conditions are forecasted to continue for the rest of the month.

Police in Brazil have arrested a former boss of the important Mafia who had been on the run for more than 30 years. Pasquale Scotti was the former head of the military

arm of the Camorra. He is expected to be extradited to Italy in the next few days. Will Davis have the details.

“Pasquale Scotti has been on the run since 1984 when he escaped from a hospital in southern Italy despite having been wounded in an earlier shoot-up with police as he

was arrested. Convicted in absent of several murders and extortion, Scotti was considered as one of Italy's most wanted man. According to police in the northern

Brazilians city of Recife, Scotti was identified and detained after a long surveillance operation involving Interpol. The 56-year-old is reported to have been living

in the area for several years under false identity and was arrested while taking his two children to school.

An appeals court in US has backed a bid to hold President Obama's plans to protect almost 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation. Judges ruled Mr. Obama's move

should stay on hold while legal challenge worked its way through the courts.26 days led by Texas, will the president's actions to be ruled unconstitutional.

And the parliament of Madagascar has voted to impeach the country's president Hery Rajaonarimanpianina, all but 4 of the 125 MPs who voted support the move. They

accused the president of violating the constitution and incompetence for failing to establish a high court or implement promised reforms. Earlier the US expressed

support for the president, and called on the parliament to put stability first.

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