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BBC News 2012-02-23

2012-02-23 16:18来源:未知


BBC News with Gaenor Howells


Syrian state media say a senior army officer has been shot dead in Damascus as violence continues around the country. The killing of Brigadier-General Issa al-Khouli is thought to be the first such assassination since the uprising against President Assad began last March. From neighbouring Lebanon, Jim Muir reports.


Syrian state television announced that General Issa al-Khouli was shot dead by gunmen lying in wait for him outside his house in north Damascus. The authorities blamed his death squarely on what it called armed terrorist groups, but activist organisations said the style of his killing had all the hallmarks of the regime on it and accused it of carrying out the murder. However, there are reports of Islamic militants crossing into Syria from Iraq, where just such killings still take place frequently. For the regime, all armed opponents are terrorists, so actions like the car bombs in Aleppo and the murder of General Khouli clearly play into its hands.


Police in Britain investigating allegations of bribery by journalists working for the media tycoon Rupert Murdoch have arrested eight people.


They include five senior staff at Britain's best-selling newspaper, The Sun. The inquiry follows a scandal over phone hacking by journalists working for Mr Murdoch's News International. Matt Prodger reports.


A total of nine Sun journalists have now been arrested in the space of a fortnight. A journalist at News International said there was a feeling of intense anger and betrayal among staff there. The paper's editor Dominic Mohan issued a written statement.


"I'm as shocked as anyone by today's arrests but am determined to lead The Sun through these difficult times. We have a duty to serve our readers and will continue to do that."


Today's arrests are significant not just because of the sheer number, but also because for the first time they include people who are neither journalists nor police officers. A Ministry of Defence employee and a member of the armed forces were arrested in Wiltshire.


Thousands of people in the Greek cities of Athens and Thessaloniki have staged protests against further government austerity measures. The protests coincided with the second day of a 48-hour strike which brought transport to a standstill. Parliament is due to vote on Sunday on extra budget cuts demanded by Greece's eurozone partners in return for another multi-billion dollar bailout. The former Prime Minister George Papandreou urged MPs to approve the measures.


"The new programme is difficult; it's harsh, but it's a sure road and our only hope not to live in even worse and more difficult conditions. This is a time for responsibilities."


Tens of thousands of people in Portugal have been holding a rally to protest against spending cuts and employment reforms introduced there under a eurozone bailout deal. The Portuguese economy has moved deeper into recession .


You're listening to the World News from the BBC.


Officials in the American state of Maine are expected to announce the result of caucuses to help decide who should be the Republican Party candidate in November's presidential election. Party officials say they anticipate a close contest between the former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and the Texas congressman Ron Paul. Mr Romney has been considered a front-runner in the race, but he's hoping to avoid a fourth consecutive defeat after losing contests in Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado. The other two candidates Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum haven't actively campaigned in Maine.


Three soldiers have been killed in a rebel ambush in Colombia. Officials say the soldiers were on patrol in the mountains of Valle del Cauca province when members of Colombia's largest rebel group, the Farc, threw grenades. The attack took place a week after two police stations were bombed in the west of Colombia, killing 18 people. The Farc have stepped up their offensive against the security forces since their leader was killed in a military raid in November.


The Liverpool footballer Luis Suarez has been criticised for refusing to shake hands with Manchester United's Patrice Evra before their Premier League match today. It was the first time the players had met since Suarez served an eight-match ban for racially abusing Evra in October. The black defender offered his hand before the match, but Suarez ignored him. The manager of Manchester United, Alex Ferguson, condemned the Liverpool player's behaviour.


"The history that club's got and he does that and an atmosphere like today, an atmosphere and all the build-up to the game, all the profiles, you know, I'm actually desired. It's a disgrace to that football club."


In the latest football match in the Africa Cup of Nations, Mali have beaten Ghana in the play-off for third place. The score was 2-0. The final on Sunday will be between Zambia and Ivory Coast.


BBC News

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