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BBC NEWS 2016-05-28 委内瑞拉首都爆发反政府游行

2016-05-28 09:18来源:未知


Venezuelan police have fired tear gas at thousands of opposition protesters in the capital Caracas who blame the socialist government of Nicolas Maduro for the country's economic crisis. Police arrested several people and blocked roads to prevent the demonstrators from marching to the headquarters of the Electoral Council. Here's our correspondent Will Davis. The protest resulted in big clashes in the capital today in Caracas. And stones, bottles, tear gas, live amunition in terms of buck shot being fired at protesters. And it got violent. But this is the pretty much powerful cause now in Venezuela. The opposition-controlled congress accused Mr Maduro of ruling by decree, of ruling increaingly as a dictator. He in turn accuses business interests at home and abroad of trying to destablize his government.
The Brazilian judge has sentenced the former presidential chief of stuff Jose Dirceu to 23 years in jail for corruption, money laundering and conspiracy. Julia Carneiro reports from Rio de Janeiro. Mr Dirceu has become a symbol of corruption in Brazil's Worker's Party involved in the two major scandals he'd faced over the past decade. In the same ruling, Judge Sergio Moro who's leading the so called Car Wash corruption probe sentenced another 11 people, including the former treasurer of the Worker's Party Joao Vaccari Neto. The Car Wash scandal played a major part in the impeachment proceedings against President Dilma Rousseff, exposing the involvement of politicians of the governing coalition with corruption. Mr Jose maintain his innocence and says the accusations are political.

The US Director of National Intelligence has warned the internet hackers working for foreign governments are targeting candidates in this year's presidential election. James Clapper predicated more cyber attacks as the democratic and republican party campaigns intensify.

Macedonia has postphoned general elections due next month as political turmoil intensifies over wiretapping scandal. The European Union which has been calling for a delay to ensure the polls free and fair welcome the decision. Macedonia applied to join the EU more than ten years ago.

The Nigerian government spokesman says the girl from Chibok recently rescued from Boko Haram militants will meet President Muhammadu Buhari and be given help to reintegrate into society. She was freed along with her baby, the first such rescue. More than 200 girls were kidnapped by the Islamist insurgent group Boko Haram more than two years ago. One of them is Yakubu Nkeki's 17-year-old adopted daughter. He told the BBC that Amina's return give him hope. Yes I know my daughter has not been found. But I'm still rejoicing by seeing this go. It's still clear to me that the girls are still alive somewhere. So I really rejoice with the parents of Amina and everyone is rejoicing because of this. BBC News

The technology giant Google has unveiled the personnel assistance device that will enable users to organize their entire homes using voice commands. The device called Google Home will be powered by WIFI as well as controlling lighting and plants such as televisions. Google home also be able to answer questions.

The Mauritanian anti-slavery activist Biram Dah Abeid who was released from prison on Tuesday says he's more committed than ever to fight aganist the practice. Slavery was abolished in Mauritania 35 years ago but still continues. Mr Biram spent over a year in jail following his arrest during a campaign rally. His time in prison he said had made him more determined. I am angry, because this is the proof for them to bans judiciary here which depends the temper and the mood of the executive power. The fight would be more than vigorous. We are now more committed to them than before. His organization estimated there are 150,000 slaves in Morotania.

Jewelry has been found hidden inside an enamel cup in a museum which is the former Nazi camp Auschwitz. The discovery was made during conservation work on the exhibition. Curators found the cup has a false bottom which rusted away over time. Inside they found a woman's gold ring and a gold chain. Tests established that probably be made in Poland in 1920s. Many Jews deported to the camp hid their valuables fearful of being robbed by the Nazi.

A large translucent blue jem known as the Oppenheimer Blue has set a new record for a polished diamond sold at auction, reaching a price more than 51 million dollars. The rare rectangle-cut stone weighs 14.62 karats and is setting a ring flanked by 2 smaller stones.

And in football the Spanish team Sevilla have won the Europa League title for the third year in a row, beating Liverpool by 3 goals to 1. The English side was leading one nearly half time, but Sevilla equalized shortly after the break and went on dominate the rest of the game, scoring twice more. BBC news.

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