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BBC NEWS 2016-03-28 比利时确认布鲁塞尔袭击案凶手身份

2016-03-28 07:08来源:未知


Hello, I'm Justine Green with the BBC news.

French and Belgium officials say one of the suicide bombers involved in Tuesday's deadly Brussels airport attack was involved in making the bombs used in last November's Paris attacks. The officials speaking off the records say DNA from Najim Laachraoui was found on suicide vest used in Paris. From Brussels, here is Chris Morris.

A clear link is being established between the Paris and the Brussel attacks. And French prime minister Manuel Valls visiting Brussels said Europe was at war and it had to unite.

'Against us, we have a terrorist organization with its strike forces, its stronghold, its resources, its affiliates and cells hiding in our society. We're at war, a war has been declared against us. Our determination must be total.'

The attacks are not just the work of isolated cells, it would have appeared, but of a network of violent militants based in Europe who will be trying to strike again.

More details are emerging of the people who were killed and injured in the Brussels attacks. Adelma Tapia Ruiz, a 37-year-old Peruvian was traveling to New York with her Belgium husband and 3-year-old twin daughters when she was killed. A 20-year-old Belgium student Leopold Hecht died in the metro station blast. Those killed or wounded came from around 40 different countries, reflecting the cosmopolitan nature of Brussels.

European Union Home Affairs commissioner says a shortage of trust between EU member state is limiting the information exchange on security matters. Di Michi Olmsted told the BBC that all EU members have to think in a more European way in order to prevent attacks such as those in Brussels. Mr Olmsted said everybody had to understand that the era of separate national policies was over.

Do they really believe that by following this line they would be successful in fighting terrorism? The events occurrences give the answer. And the road to follow is only one. Cooperate more, exchange information and give it even more the trust between us.

The campaign group Human Rights Watch says Sudan's security forces have used sexual violence, intimidation and other forms of abuse to silence female human rights activists. Jihan Henry, author of the Human Rights Watch Report told the BBC about the methods used to intimidate protestors.

In addition to general sexual harassment of women, young women, student protesters for example, but also other popular protesters. In addition to that, there have also been many cases of women activists who're arrested, detained and apparently while in detention faced sexual abuse. And there have been rape cases as well in this context.

You're listening to the latest world news from the BBC.

Australia says aircraft debris found off the coast of East Africa earlier this month is highly likely to be part of a Malaysian airline's jet that has been missing for two years. The Australia transport minister Darren Chester said technical analysis of two pieces of wreckage had concluded that they were almost certainly from flight MH370. Malaysia says it's awaiting permission from South Africa to conduct a search off its coast for more debris.

Officials in the Republic of Congo say Denis Sassou N'Guesso who has been in power for more than 30 years has won Sunday's election. According to the result announced by the interior ministry in capital Brazzaville, he received just over 60 percent of the vote.

Voting has just ended in New Zealand in a referendum to decide whether to replace the national flag which features the British Union Jack with a silver fern design. The prime minster John Key said the existing flag was a relic of British colonial days. John Donathan reports from Aukland.

Its turnout has been pretty good. More than 2 million people have voted. That's over 60 percent turnout. So not bad but I was here a few weeks ago when this campaign with which the referendum was under way and I have to say a lot of people are pretty indifferent about it. The prime minister John Key, he was a big proponent of change, but most people don't seem that fired about the issue and the poll suggests that after a-year long campaign, 20 million dollars spent, the polls suggest that New Zealand is likely to opt for the status quo. We should know in a couple of months' time. John Donathan reports.

And researchers in Britain say improved scanning methods may mean that fewer patients who receive chemo and radiotherapy for advanced head or neck cancer will require surgery. The scientists say using advanced imaging to spot a surviving cancer cells could make such operations unnecessary.

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