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BBC NEWS 2016-03-11 莎拉波娃承认服用禁药

2016-03-11 07:18来源:未知


European Union leaders say they have agreed at a summit with Turkey the outlines that are planned for coping with the massive influx of migrants across the Aegean Sea. The details of an agreement with Turkey will be moved to a further meeting of EU leaders on March 17. From Brussels, here's Chris Morris. A day before this summit began, Turkey came up with new proposals backed by Germany that became the subject of an intense debate among EU leaders. In the last half hour, the summit has come to an end. And a series of broad principles have been agreed for joint management of the migration crisis. Much of the detail though will have to wait until another summit at the end of next week. The Turkish government has said it is willing in theory to take back any irregular migrants crossing the Aegean Sea including Syrians. In return, it wants a promise from the EU that every Syrian citizen sent back, another will eventually be resettled directly from camps in Turkey into EU member states.

State media in Turkey says a court has ordered trustees to take over a news agency linked to a prominent opponent of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It follows the government's takeover of the country's biggest opposition newspaper Zaman on Friday. David Bamford reports. According to state media, the court in Istanbul has appointed three trustee managers to run Cihan news agency, which like Zaman is linked to a movement led by the US based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen. He was once president Erdogan's political ally, but now the president accuses him of attempting to topple the government. The seizure of Mr. Gulen's Zaman newspaper on Friday sparked street protest. Zaman's editorial line turned pro-government overnight.

The former mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg has announced that he will not run as an independent candidate in the forthcoming US presidential elections. Mr. Bloomberg said his candidacy could lead to the election of Donald Trump or Senator Ted Cruz and that was not a risk he could take in good conscience. Mr.Bloomberg said he feared his run would take votes away from the Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

The US military is giving details of a major air attack it says it carried out against the Al-Shabaab Islamist group in Somalia. Aleem Maqbool reports from Washington. Pentagon official say the US military attack happened on Saturday at an Al-Shabaab training camp north of the Somalia capital of Mogadishu. They say intelligence had indicated militants had been planning a large scale of attack and were due to leave the camp imminently posing what officials called'a threat to the US and Africa Union mission in the region'. The Pentagons called the attack in which it says both fighter jets and unmanned drones were involved a success, saying the number of militants killed could be more than 150. That was Aleem Maqbool. I'm Stewart Macintosh in London bringing you the latest world news from the BBC.

Venezuelan air force troops have been searching for the bodies of 28 goldminers who are reported to have been killed by a criminal gang in a remote jungle area in the east of the country. Leonardo Rocha reports. According to relatives,the 28 men had unearthed a significant amount of gold in an illegally operated mine near the border with Guyana. News of their lucky break reached the local gang leader known as El Topo or the Mole. He sent gang members to the rea who shot and killed most of the miners. The Survivors were forced to load the bodies onto trucks. These were driven away and the corpses are reported to have been dismembered by chain saw and buried on the gang leader's land.

The White House says the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has cancelled the meeting he was due to held with president Obama later this month. President Obama's spokesman said the US government was surprised to learn of Mr.Netanyahu's decision through media reports. He said suggestions that the meeting wasn't going ahead because it is not been possible to accommodate the prime minister's schedule were false.

The Russian tennis star Maria Sharapova has announced that she failed a drug test at this year's Australian Open. She made the announcement here at Los Angeles. Dan Roan has the details. She's one of the most famous and richest sports stars in the world, but tonight Maria Sharapova faces an uncertain future after admission that sent shock waves through tennis. When the Russian called a press conference today, the talk was a retirement instead an announcement that no one saw coming. Sharapova had tested positive for meldonium,a medicine she said she had been prescribed for years on health grounds, but which has been found to increase athletic performance and which is recently being added to the World Anti-doping Agency's list of banned substances. That was Dan Roan ending this edition of the BBC news.

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