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BBC NEWS 2016-03-04 法当局拆迁加来难民营

2016-03-04 07:21来源:未知


There have been further clashes in the French port of Calais as demolition teams destroyed hundreds of makeshift shelters for migrants trying to reach Britain in the capital known as the Jungle. French riot police fired tear gas at people who were hurling stones. Leonard Doyle, head of communications at the International Organization for Migration, warned against treating migrants in a heavy-handed way. There are obligations under various UN treaties humanitarian obligations to look after, let's not forget, refugees and asylum-seekers. They may be migrants, but they are also coming from, in the large, they're coming from refugee producing countries, Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. And it's an obligation to actually support them, not to water cannon them. The medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres has sharply criticized Macedonian police for using teargas to prevent migrants including children from crossing the border. The group has stormed a barbed wire fence to enter Macedonia from Greece en route to Northern Europe.

New research provides the first evidence that the Zika virus may cause Guillain-Barre syndrome, a serious illness that leads to the body's immune system attacking the nervous system. It concluded that 1/4000 people with Zika could also expect to contract Guillain-Barre syndrome which can paralyze and kill. Jane Draper has more. The current outbreak of Zika virus in central and south America is causing concern because of its suspected links to underdeveloped brains in babies and also Guillain-Barre syndrome. Researchers analyzed the blood of patients who developed the rare nerve disorder during a Zika outbreak in the Pacific island of French Polynesia two years ago. From this work, they predicted there could be one case of Guillain-Barre for every 4000 people falling ill with Zika.

Argentina's new administration has reached an agreement with a group of foreign investors in a long-running dispute over defaulted government bonds. The investors will receive 4.6 billion dollars from the Argentine government to settle all claims. Daniel Gallars reports. Argentina has been blocked from borrowing money internationally for the past 15 years. It took the government of President Mauricio Macri almost three months to get creditors to accept its current offer to end that dispute. Markets reacted well to the news that a deal had been reached. But there are still a lot of work to be done. After winning over its creditors, the Argentina president must now convince his own congress that this is a good deal for the country.

A federal judge in New York has ruled the US government cannot force the technology company Apple to give the FBI access to a locked iPhone used in a drug's case. The government sought access to the phone in October months before a judge in a separate case ordered Apple to help unlock the iPhone of an Islamist gunman who shot 14 people dead. World news from the BBC.

Aid workers in Syria have been delivering supplies to a besieged rebel held suburb of Damascus at the start of an expansion of the UN's relief program. The aim is to take advantage of a fragile cease fire that created safer conditions.

A senior Vatican official Cardinal George Pell has said he has the full backing of Pope Francis as he prepared to testify for a second day at a public inquiry into child abuse in Australia. In his testimony, he said the Catholic Church had made enormous mistakes and its response to allegations of child sex abuse.

A self-driving car developed by the technology company Google has hit a bus during a test drive in California. No one was injured in the accident. Google says it bears some responsibility for the collision. Dave Lee reports. This is not the first time one of Google's famed self-driving car has been involved in a crash, but it may be the first time it's caused one. The car traveling at 3km/hr pulled out on a public bus going 24km/hr. The human in the Google Vehicle reported that he assumed the bus would slow down, and so he did not override the car's self-driving computer. The company's self-driving car still now have a new reported minor 'fender-benders', the America's slang for a small collision.

Police in Colombia have arrested the brother of the former president Alvaro Uribe on charges of murder and conspiracy. Santiago Uribe has been accused of setting up a paramilitary group known as the Twelve Apostles in the 1990s, defied left-wing rebels and criminals in the Antioquia region. He denies any involvement.

The Bolivian president Evo Morales has said he wants to meet his son he was told had died nine years ago. It's the latest twist in a scandal involving Mr.Morales's former girlfriend, the boy's mother Gabriela Zapata who has been arrested as a part of a corruption investigation. Now aunt of Ms. Zapata has now revealed that the child is alive. BBC news.

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