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BBC NEWS 2016-02-26 美俄就叙利亚停火达成协

2016-02-26 07:09来源:未知


The United Stats and Russia have announced a cessation of hostilities in Syria to take effect at midnight on Friday. Between main jihadist groups, Islamic State or ISIL and al-Nusar Front are not part of the arrangement. The UN Deputy Secretary General Jan Eilasson said monitoring the ceasefire wouldn't be easy. If you have a ceasefire, a cessation of hostilities does not cover territory which is dominated by al-Nusra and Daesh, ISIL. Then, that is, of course, a huge challenge for us in terms of monitory. And that we have to face later. But it is a very complicated situation definitely. But I think the dangers that this could turn into something even more dangers unites everybody right now. The agreement was announced after a phone call between President Obama and his Russian counterpart Vladmir Putin. With more of the difficulties that lie ahead, here is Barbara Plat Harsha in Washington. Syria's government and armed opposition groups have 5 days to accept the terms of the agreement, such as an end to attacks and full excess to humanitarian aid. The initiative was first to agree in Munich earlier this month. But it fell apart when Russia-backed the massive Syrian government offensive in the north of the country. It said it was going after a Islamic State militant but targeted rebel positions. President Putin now says he will do what's necessary to ensure the Damascus respect the truth. Shortly after the announcement of the ceasefire plan, the Syrian President al-Assad called parliamentarian elections that take place in April, the last polls were held 4 years ago.

After winning European Union backing for changes to the terms of Britain's EU membership last week, Prime Minster David Cameroon has urged all political parties to back his campaign Britain to remain in the EU ahead of a referendum on the issue in June. Almost a third of the MPs from his governing Conservative party want Britain to leave the EU. Alex Forsyth sent this report. David Cameroon thought to rally his MPs behind him when he appeared before them in the House of Commons instead the divisions in the Party were laid bare. Mr. Cameroon argued he'd won special status for the UK in the EU and remaining a member made the country safer and stronger. But while some of them support, others lined up to question the impact of Mr. Cameroon's reform deal, saying it will make little difference to immigration or sovereignty.

The authorities in Egypt have told the BBC that the life sentence to murder handed down to a 4-year-old boy was a mistake. A military court found the child guilty in his absence of participating in deadly riots 2 years ago. The conviction has caused an outcry and prompted the further criticism of Egyptian justice system. A military spokesman told the BBC the boy's conviction was a procedure error. He said authorities were looking for someone with similar name. World news from the BBC.

The world's biggest mining company BHP Billiton has reported a half-year loss of over 5.5 billion dollars. The company has suffered from slower growth in China and falling prices for its main commodities iron and oil.

One of leading contenders for the Republican presidential nomination in the United States Ted Cruz has sacked the election campaign spokesman. Mr. Cruz said he asked Rick Tyler to step down after he sent a tweet, suggesting with another Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio has criticized the Bible. Mr. Cruz explained what happened. Yesterday, a staffer from our campaign sent out a Tweet that tweeted a new story that purported to indicate Marco saying something negative about Bible. The new story was false. That's staffer, the lead of The tweet apologized and pulled it down. Although I've spend this morning investigating what happened. And this morning I asked for Rick Tyler's resignation.

The Bolivian President Evo Morales says he will respect official result of a referendum on plans to allow him to seek a 4th term in office. He told journalist he was optimistic but would wait patiently for the final result. With more than 80% the votes counted, those opposed to the move lead by 8 percentage points. Mr. Morales says this another term to implement program of social reforms.

A baby Western lowland gorilla has been born to British zoo after a very ware emergency cesarean. The operation was performed by consultant gynecologist David Cahill in a local maternity hospital in Bristol. It was very special very different. I mean I've had a lot of babies. But this one is quite special. Because even though it's quite small, it looked at me with those kind of weird eyes and stuff and it was quite fun. It's thought to be the first time a baby gorilla has survived in the UK following a cesarean birth. It's among a handful of such cases worldwide. BBC news.

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