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BBC NEWS 2016-02-18 雀巢结束对国际田联的赞助

2016-02-18 08:15来源:未知


Hello, I'm Sue Montgomery with the BBC News.

Aid agencies have warned that a humanitarian crisis in Syria caused by fighting around the northern city of Aleppo, is turning into an utter catastrophe. Thousands of people are fleeing a Russian-backed government offensive. Imogen Foulkes reports.

The Red Cross says that at least 50,000 people have been displaced from Aleppo by the recent fighting. In the city itself, water supplies have been cut for the last two weeks. The pumping stations destroyed. Electricity and fuel are running short. The usual routes the aid agencies use from Turkey south into Syria are now blocked. The medical charity Doctors Without Borders, says at least three hospitals it has been supporting have been hit by airstrikes.

The Turkish leadership has launched scathing attacks on the UN and the US over their response to the deepening crisis in northern Syria. The Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, accused the UN of hypocrisy.

Some circles are not lifting a finger to end the crisis in Syria. And the Russian bombardments are causing the streams of refugees, as there is nobody who dares to tell the Russians they must stop this. The same people are saying that Turkey should open its borders. I see it as hypocrisy.

The US Federal Justice Department is bringing a lawsuit against the city of Ferguson in Missouri in an attempt to enforce reform of its policing. The US atternoy general Loretta Lynch accused Furguson's police department of systematic failings, that disproportionally affect the African-American community. The residents of Ferguson have suffered the deprivation of their constitutional rights, the rights guaranteed to all Americans for decades. They have waited decades for justice. They should not be forced to wait any longer. The shooting dead by a white police officer of a black man Michael Brown in 2014 became a flash point, that has sparked a national debate about police violence.

The multi-national food and drink company Nestle has ended its partnership with the world governing body of athletics, the IAAF. It cited fears of the negative publicity associated with recent doping and corruption scandals in the sport would effect its own reputation. Nestle was sponsoring an athletic program for children. The IAAF president Sebastian Coe said he would not accept the decision. Our correspondent Richard Conway assesses its impact on the IAAF.

Financially it's not significant. It is more reputational. It is again that drip, drip, drip effect of scandal and problem surrounding the sport. Everytime they have tried to get on even keel to try and start impletment change, something else happens. In terms of getting back on the front foot and trying to reestablish some reputation, some integrity, this is the last thing they need.

BBC news.

The US Senate has overwhelmingly backed a draft legislation to toughen sanctions against North Korea. The bill targets the country's ability to finance the development of nuclear warheads and the missiles needed to deliver them. It must now go back to the House of Representatives, but its exact agreement will soon be reached on the measure.

In the US, two more Republicans have dropped out of the race to become the Party's presidential candidate. They are the governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie as well as the former Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina. This report from Laura Becca.

The New Jersey governor had been backing on a strong finish in New Hapshire, and spent a lot of money and time in the state. He branded himself as the candidate who could tell it like it is. But in a crowded field of Republicans and with a dominated front runner and businessman Donald Trump, Chris Christie struggled.
He could only manage sixth place. The former Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina has also dropped out of the race. There are now seven Republicans left, all heading to South Carolina for the next vote in this contest. It could prove pivotal as the Party searches for an establishment candidate who could challenge Donald Trump for the nomination.

Prosecutors have called for a life sentence for the former leader of Chad, Hissene Habre, who is standing trial in Senegal, on charges of crimes against humanity. The special prosecutor said there was enough evidence to prove the dictator had had tens of thousands political opponents killed, during his 8 year of rule.

A specially recruited group of priests and monks with enhanced powers of forgiveness have begun a year long mission to absolve the sins of Roman Catholics in some of the farthest-flung corners of the world. The 1100 missionaries of mercy have been handpicked by Pope Francis, and have been given license to forgive transgressions.

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