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  • [流行美语] 流行美语第264课goof around; get halvsies 日期:2011-09-18 01:25:50 点击:79 好评:0

    音频下载 李华周末来看Larry。李华今天要学两个常用语,goof around和go halvsies. LL: It sure is nice to see you, Li Hua. But, honestly I've got so many things I have to do right now. I've just goofed around all weekend and haven'...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第263课get into; grubby 日期:2011-09-18 01:25:12 点击:55 好评:0

    音频下载 李华在学校租了一块花圃,让Larry来帮忙。李华今天要学两个常用语,get into和grubby. LL: I think it is great that you have rented a garden plot, Li Hua, but I don't think I can really get into gardening. LH: You...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第262课yum; yuck 日期:2011-09-18 01:24:35 点击:70 好评:0

    音频下载 李华和Larry一起去附近一家新开的中国餐馆吃自助餐。李华今天要学两个常用语:yum和yuck. LL: There is so much good food at this buffet, Li Hua. I can't wait to eat some of those spring rolls. Yum! LH: 你说...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第261课blah; bounce back 日期:2011-09-18 01:23:41 点击:68 好评:0

    音频下载 Larry患了重感冒,李华带着鸡汤去看他。李华今天要学两个常用语,blah和bounce back. LL: Hi, Li Hua, it is so nice to see you. I just wish I didn't feel so blah. LH: Blah? 你得的不是感冒吗? LL: I do have...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第260课dead; happening 日期:2011-09-18 01:22:54 点击:79 好评:0

    音频下载 Larry和李华去朋友Frank家参加新年派对。李华今天要学两个常用语,dead和happening. LL: Gosh, there is hardly any one here, Li Hua. This party is really dead! LH: Larry. 这里每个人明明都活得好好的,你为...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第259课 pee and poo; handful 日期:2011-09-18 01:22:12 点击:55 好评:0

    音频下载 李华在帮彼得森教授看孩子。她急着打电话给Larry求助。李华今天要学两个常用语,pee and poo和handful. LH: Hi, Larry, this is Li Hua. 你能告诉我pee and poo是什么意思吗? LL: Sure, Li Hua, but fir...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第258课bread; nest egg 日期:2011-09-18 01:21:31 点击:66 好评:0

    音频下载 李华告诉Larry说,她想多赚点钱,买机票回中国探亲。李华今天要学两个常用语:bread和nest egg. LH: Larry, 我想回中国看看我父母。I need to make some more bread. LL: You need to make more bread? I k...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第257课nightmare; group hug 日期:2011-09-18 01:20:49 点击:62 好评:0

    音频下载 Larry去李华家吃饭。他告诉李华说,自己今天特别倒霉。李华今天要学两个常用语:nightmare和group hug. LL: I had the worst day at work today. It was an absolute nightmare! LH: 上班做恶梦?Larry, 你可要...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第256课outdoorsy; artsy 日期:2011-09-18 01:20:12 点击:53 好评:0

    音频下载 Larry和李华正在商量下个周末去哪里玩儿。李华今天要学两个常用语outdoorsy和artsy. LL: Hey, Li Hua, do you remember how much fun we had camping in the woods? Wouldn't you like to do something outdoorsy again this...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第255课my treat; ginormous 日期:2011-09-18 01:19:36 点击:83 好评:0

    音频下载 Larry和李华刚刚忙完手头的工作。他们一起去吃冰激凌。李华今天要学两个常用语:my treat和ginormous. LL: Well, Li Hua, you just finished a big paper, and I just finished an important project at work. Let's...
