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  • [流行美语] 流行美语第284课at a loss; move on 日期:2011-09-23 16:17:38 点击:70 好评:0

    音频下载 Larry跟小燕和小燕的父母吃完饭。今天我们要学两个常用语:at a loss和move on. XY: 怎么样,我说不用紧张吧! LL: Well, the food was good! But I think... XY: 我爸妈好象挺喜欢你的。这可是个好消...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第283课take something the wrong way 日期:2011-09-23 16:16:56 点击:76 好评:0

    音频下载 Larry答应去跟小燕的父母一起吃晚饭,但是心里觉得很不自在,担心他们觉得自己是在跟小燕谈恋爱。今天我们要学两个常用语:take something the wrong way和rush into something. (Door knocking)...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第282课ort fuse; out of the world 日期:2011-09-23 16:16:17 点击:90 好评:0

    音频下载 Larry早上起来正在看报纸,忽然接到小燕的电话。今天我们要学两个常用语:short fuse和out of this world. LL: Hello? XY: Hey Larry! 你起床了?昨天玩到那么晚,我不会把你吵醒了吧! LL: Hey...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第281课tough call; tone it down 日期:2011-09-23 16:15:24 点击:116 好评:0

    音频下载 小燕下班后,跟Larry到一家爱尔兰酒吧去喝酒。今天我们要学两个常用语,一个是tough call, 一个是tone it down. (Sound of a bar and Irish music in the background) LL: Wow, Xiaoyan, you must be exhausted. Did...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第280课jumping; joint 日期:2011-09-23 16:14:04 点击:61 好评:0

    音频下载 Larry到小燕工作的金龙餐馆去找她,发现餐馆里很忙。今天我们要学两个常用语,一个是jumping, 一个是joint. (Sound of a busy restaurant) LL: Hi, Xiaoyan. I was in the neighborhood and wanted to stop and s...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第279课gee whiz; holding up 日期:2011-09-23 16:13:19 点击:67 好评:0

    音频下载 李华到中国去做研究,要走三个月,热恋中的Larry十分思念李华。李华的好友王小燕打电话给Larry安慰他。 (Phone Rings) LL: Hello. XY: Hi, Larry. 我是李华的朋友小燕。你好吗? LL: Well, Gee...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第278课go out; more than friends 日期:2011-09-23 16:12:06 点击:66 好评:0

    音频下载 李华通过了博士生的资格考试。Larry涨了工资。两人一起去吃饭庆祝。李华今天要学两个常用语,go out和more than friends. LL: It is so nice to be celebrating such happy events with you, Li Hua! And on su...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第277课quals; in the bag 日期:2011-09-23 16:11:20 点击:46 好评:0

    音频下载 李华在图书馆里埋头读书,为下个月的博士资格考试做准备。她今天要学两个常用语,quals和in the bag. LL: So, Li Hua, how is the studying for your quals going? I can hardly see you behind those stacks of b...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第276课up for grabs; psyched 日期:2011-09-23 16:09:28 点击:69 好评:0

    音频下载 Larry陪李华一起找公寓。李华今天要学两个常用语,Up for grabs和psyched. LL: Wow! Check out the price for this place... LH: 很便宜吗?多少钱? LL: Wait...what's your budget? I forgot - $2000 per month? Hahaha!...

  • [流行美语] 流行美语第275课mean streak; soft spot 日期:2011-09-18 01:36:54 点击:1037 好评:0

    音频下载 李华和Larry一起去骑马。李华今天要学两个常用语,mean streak和soft spot. LL: If this is your first time riding a horse, Li Hua, I think you shouldn't ride that black one over there. That horse looks like he's got a me...
