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CNN Students News - Nov 08 ,2014

2014-11-08 08:11来源:未知


CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Fridays are awesome! And after a week of laryngitis it feels good to be able to say that like that. Thanks for

sticking with me. I`m Carl Azuz for CNN STUDENT NEWS.

First up, a U.S. airstrike in Syria. But this attack wasn`t aimed at ISIS. It was aimed at Khorasan, another terrorist group operating in the war-torn

nation. The attack was on Wednesday night, the target was a vehicle that the U.S. believed was carrying a bomb maker from France. Considered a very

dangerous operative, he joined up with Khorasan terrorists in Syria.

U.S. officials don`t know if he was killed. They think he was. But they say they are making progress against ISIS and Khorasan in Syria.

The has targeted Khorasan before, it`s made up of former members of the al Qaeda terrorist group, and the U.S. believes it`s plotting new attacks

against Western countries, including America.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Time for "The Shoutout." Cytology is the study of what? You know what to do. Is it resources? Cultures? Cells or blood.

You`ve got three seconds, go!

A cytologist studies living cells, and may focus on those that cause disease. That`s your answer and that`s your shoutout.

In one way cytologist do that is by looking at blood samples. Those can indicate how organs are functioning, what disease people may have. From

heart disease to pre-diabetes to cancer. But blood tests can take days or weeks to yield results.

And news came out recently that a technology company is experimenting with nanoparticles, trying to fit a test into a pill.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Google X Labs is creating a pill aimed at detecting cancer and other conditions. Here is how it would work: tiny particles

from the pill are programmed to spread throughout the body and latch on to abnormal cells. A wearable device tracks the particles in theory to find

out if cancer or other diseases are present, monitoring would be on a daily basis, and information can be downloaded by doctors. This could make many

blood and urine samples obsolete.

Google has come under fire for privacy and security in the past, but they say they won`t be handling individual data. A partner will do that.

If this sounds too good to you, don`t get too excited: it could take years for the technology to be ready if ever.


AZUZ: And, of course, blood tests alone can`t diagnose everything. They may not be able to confirm mental illness, for example. Though they may

help doctors find something physical that`s causing it.

To diagnose bipolar disorder, doctors can use a number of tests: a physical exam, bloodwork, a psychological exam and then have patients chart

their moods.


SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that around six million Americans suffer from. I will tell you, it`s really

hard to know the numbers, because sometimes people don`t seek help.

Bipolar depression, manic depression, these are terms that are all meaning the same thing: the manic part of it thinks of that as the highest of

highs in your life. You feel great, you may be more reckless (INAUDIBLE). The depressed part of it is sort of the lowest of the lowest.

I want to try and simplify this for you, because I find this really fascinating.

Well, here`s the frontal lobes of the brain, and deepened here is an area of the brain called the amygdala. Think of the frontal lobes of the brain

as your judgment area of the brain, but also your brakes.

The area of the brain that tells you to slow down, to stop, think a little bit before you do something. And think of the amygdala as the emotional

center on the brain. So, someone who is manic, typically has no brakes, frontal lobes are not really active, and the amygdala is red hot meaning

it`s super-active. Things that you think you immediately do, it may lead to wild bursts of creativity with unlimited energy.

That`s often time at the manic phases. Depression, think about this as exactly the opposite: The frontal lobes are now turned all the way up.

That means everything is just stopped. Nothing is getting out. The amygdala turned low. It means you have just no emotion. So, you are

apathetic, you don`t want to get out of the house, you simply don`t want to do anything.

That` what`s happening in the brain with someone who has manic depression.

The episodes can last hours, they can last days, they can last weeks. People can go through cycles over a time. So, within a year you could have

four cycles, from mania to depression and so forth.

Typically, people really start to develop symptoms (INAUDIBLE), teens, early 20s. But half of people are diagnosed before the age of 25.

Many people can get good treatment for bipolar depression. And I think it`s fair to say that it`s not easy. First of all, it can be challenging

to get the diagnosis. Second of all, it can be challenging to try all medications, see if they are working. But the key is ultimately finding a

medication that`s more of the mood stabilizer. You don`t want to give someone an antidepressant who could possibly go into a manic phase. That

could just worsen the mania. It`s more about giving mood stabilizations, to cut down on the intensity of the mania and the depression.


AZUZ: FROM our transcript page, at cnnstudentnews.com, we are hitting the trail with some pioneers on today`s "Roll Call." Gregory Middle School,

welcome to the roll. Good to see you guys in Naperville, Illinois. Call Mississippi the Magnolia state, call it the hospitality state. We call it

home of the lions. Cedar Lake Christian Academy is in Biloxi. And in Jeju, South Korea, we`ve heard from the dragons. Thanks for watching it, Korea

International School.

Now, heading to the city of Marietta, Georgia. Hello to our viewers there. It`s where we found an exoskeleton in action. Now, when you think robotic

exoskeleton, you might think Iron Man, but real ones exists and have practical uses. They can help people who`ve injured or paralyzed walk

again, and they can help workers lift equipment and handle heavy tools without fatigue.


LAURIE SEGALL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Check out the Hercules C-130. It`s a military plane used to carry weapons, Humvees and even drop bombs.

Not exactly a light load. And to handle the tools responsible for building them, you`ve got to be strong, really strong. Here`s is one solution: a

robotic suit aimed to giving workers superhuman strength.

(on camera): Right now tell me, what does feel like to you right now?

JIM MEDLEY, LOCKHEED MARTIN: Pretty much weightless.

SEGALL: But I`m told that this is definitely not weightless.

MEDLEY: No, it is not.

SEGALL: All right, so we are going to try it, right, and I`m going to see.

MEDLEY: You got it?

SEGALL: All right?

MEDLEY: Pull it out.

SEGALL: Oh, OK. So, that certainly not weightless.

(voice over): When you stand or kneel, FORTIS transfers weight to the ground. It has weights on the back to serve as a counterbalance.

Putting on the FORTIS is like a cross between wearing a spacesuit and becoming a robot.

It`s a little awkward to move around, but wearing FORTIS can suddenly allow you to lift heavy objects for long periods on end. And that`s helpful when

you are building something as big as a plane.

(on camera): We`ve all seen Ironman before, but it seems so futuristic. What was the idea behind it?

PATRICIA AELKER, EXOSKELETON MANAGER, LOCKHEED MARTIN: We are looking at different technologies, we found that there was a need to help industrial

workers who are experiencing fatigue from holding heavy tools out for long periods of time.

SEGALL (voice over): You don`t want the people building this thing to be tired. Objects are literally flying out of it.

Lockheed Martin makes FORTIS to sell to its customers. The Navy just got two, but here at the C-130 plant, Lockheed is using it as a new

manufacturing upgrade to a plane they`ve been making since the 1950s.

But the 2014 model is being built in a way that`s very futuristic. Laurie Segall, CNN Money, Marietta, Georgia.


AZUZ: One week ago, we showed you a guy at a Tennessee college win $10,000 for this. You`ve got to make a layup, a free throw, a three-pointer and a

half-court shot, all in 30 seconds. Missing the first two layups, not a good start.

But at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, the freshman didn`t give up. And after he somehow hits the three pointer, you are not going to believe



AZUZ: Dude won a truck. Four new wheels for four good shot. He didn`t lay down after the failed layups, he got a thinking feeling: put his back

backboard into it, made some pretty good points and drove home a pickup.

It was full court impressive, you, have a great weekend from all of us here at CNN STUDENT NEWS.

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