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CNN Student News - May 03,2014

2014-05-03 07:11来源:未知


CARL AZUZ, CNN ANCHOR: Fridays are awesome. Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS. It`s May 2nd, I`m Carl Azuz. First up, a Malaysian government report on the missing plane. There`s been no sign of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 or the 239 people on board since it disappeared on March 8. The families of the missing have been angry with Malaysia`s government. They said it hasn`t communicated well enough. That it`s been slow to release information. The country says it has nothing to hide and is working to find answers.

It released a preliminary report yesterday that it looks into what happened after the plane quit sending info about its location.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For four hours air traffic control between Malaysia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, they were all talking to each other trying to find the plane. The report makes it clear, between 1:38 and 5:38 local time, they were all saying, where is the plane, but nobody - nobody started the rescue coordination center.


AZUZ: The search area for the plane has been expanded. Malaysian and Australian officials say the search could go on for months or years.

Next story, takes us to Nigeria, Western coastal country of Africa. Hundreds of Nigerians say their government isn`t doing enough to rescue about 200 girls who were kidnapped on April 15. Authorities believe a terrorist group named Boko Haram staged the kidnapping. Witnesses think the Islamic militants might have taken the girls and to have forced toward neighboring Cameroon. Some of the girls escaped, and the Nigerian government says it`s committed to continuing its search for the others. That`s little comfort to the families of the missing.


VLADIMIR DUTHIERS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Amina Shawok is one of the lucky ones. After armed attackers stormed her dormitory and kidnapped more than 200 of her fellow classmates, she made a run for it and escaped.

AMINA SHAWOK, ESCAPED FROM SCHOOL ATTACKERS (through translator): We thought they were soldiers, and they asked us to board a vehicle which was headed towards Zimbawa (ph), and my friends and I jumped from the vehicle and ran back home because we realized they don`t look innocent to us.

DUTHIERS: The militant group Boko Haram has been blamed for the abductions, and while dozens of students like Amina managed to escape, the numbers of those still missing is unclear. Amid the ongoing search, there`s been conflicting information from the government. And Nigerians in the capital Abuja are frustrated.

FRANCISCA SAMBO, NIGERIAN RESIDENT: But it`s really pathetic, because families are crying, people like expect that they release them, you know. So far the ones they abducted in the past, nobody heard from them again.

DUTHIERS: Last week, hours after saying all but eight girls have been fried, the Nigerian military was forced to retract that statement, saying the source have gotten it wrong.

Hauwa Gadzma is from Borno State where the school is located and where Boko Haram has launched a number of attacks in its stated aim at overthrowing the government.

HAUWA GADZMA, NIGERIAN RESIDENT: What the government is doing is they are trying to cover up and feel like they are doing something important, so they keep telling us, oh, these people escaped - these people. I feel they are just misinforming us, so we feel they are doing something, but they are really not doing anything.

DUTHIERS: Zuluje Abdullahi (ph) has school age children. She`s shocked by the brutality of the attack and worried about what militants will do next in the region that has already seen so much. Deadly church and mosque bombings, assassinations of political figures and now this. Vladimir Duthiers, CNN, Abuja.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this legit? George H.W. Bush served as the 43 president of the United States. Not legit. George H.W. Bush was the 41 president. His son, George W. Bush served as the 43.

AZUZ: Former president George W. Bush is on the mountain bike trail with 16 veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, people who volunteered to serve during Mr. Bush`s presidency. The fourth annual W100K ride isn`t an easy one. Three days and 62 miles through the Texas hills. The president says its goal is to celebrate and honor those who fought for their country, those who aren`t letting their wounds hold them back.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Some of these scars are visible, some of them are not visible. Some of them are traumatic brain injury, TBI, or post-traumatic stress.

GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: Yes. That`s exactly right. Many of the men who have PTS will tell you that biking has helped them recover. It`s - PTS is an injury. And which means it`s fixable over time.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And I noticed you`ve dropped the D. It`s not PTSD any more.

BUSH: I have dropped the D. And thank you for reminding the viewers of that. D stands for disorder. And we don`t view and a lot of the experts don`t view PTS as a disorder. It`s injury. And that`s really important for a lot of reasons. It`s important to eliminate stigma.


AZUZ: Driving by itself is dangerous business. Car crashes are a leading cause of death for American teenagers. According to a U.S. government site on distracted driving, 78 percent of teenagers and young people say they`ve read a text message while driving, 71 percent say they`ve sent one. A tragedy in North Carolina involving a similar distraction reminds all of us to stay focused on the road.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This yesterday was .

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is the real life one. It happened on Thursday on Business 85 in High Point. Texting wasn`t the distraction, investigators found out it was Facebook.

LT. CHRIS WEISNER, HIGH POINT POLICE DEPARTMENT: In a matter of seconds, the life was over for - just so that she could notify some friends that she was happy or, you know, she is going to work - whatever.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She` Courtney Sanford. She was 32 years old and on her way to work. Officer say Courtney crossed the median and hit a recycling truck head on.

WEISNER: The Facebook text happened at 8:33. We got the call on the wreck at 8:34.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Investigators were able to trace back that Facebook post. It said "The Happy Song, makes me so happy."

WEISNER: Within seconds after that, you know, her life`s over. It`s really not worth it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Once investigators started comparing the tame of the wreck and her Facebook timeline, they found more.

WEISNER: She was also posting some selfies as she went down the road.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Lieutenant Chris Weisner was working this crash. But his main job - he`s a dad.

WEISNER: I have three boys at home, too, who drive, and it really - because you know they do it. And, you know, we`ve all been guilty of it. And it just brings home the realization that, you know, it`s really not worth it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Life changing seconds. She was letting her friends know how happy she was at that moment, and that moment was one of her last.

WEISNER: As said as it is, it`s also a grim reminder for everyone who`s left over that, you know, you just - you have to pay attention while you are in the car.


AZUZ: May I have your attention, please, in the corn husker state? First school on today`s roll is in Kimball, Nebraska. We are talking about the Long Horns. Welcome to the CNN STUDENT NEWS roll. Glad to see Kimball High School is watching.

Next two schools are in place named Midlothian, but in different states. First is Midlothian High School in Midlothian, Texas, the Panthers are on the prow. And next, is Midlothian Middle School in Midlothian, Virginia. The mustangs are online. So, thanks to everyone in Midlothian.

A 30-year old English teacher from Maryland is the U.S. national teacher of the year. His name is Sean McComb. He was chose for the honor by an education committee and then recognized yesterday by President Obama and the ceremony at the White House. Mr. McComb is the 32 person to hold the title and he`s one of the youngest. One thing he did to earn the award was start a program at his high school. It worked to help students who were in the middle of the road academically to focus and move toward succeeding in college. McComb won`t be teaching next year. As part of his award, he`ll be traveling around the U.S. supporting and representing teachers nationwide.

It`s that time of the year when many of you are wearing tuxedos and corsages for the first time. And something made prom night a little more specials for two Colorado couples recently. They enjoyed the meal together at a restaurant, and when it came time for them to pay, the waiter said their bill was covered. An older couple that saw the students were reminded of their own prom, and in a gesture of nostalgia and kindness, they paid for the teenagers` meals. The students promised they`ll do the same thing for someone else someday. No need to be prompous (ph) about it. No need for promping circumstance to promulgate or promote it, a prompt payment, prom and promper, and the students will probably be floored on their way to the dance. CNN STUDENT NEWS. We`ll see you next week.

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