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倒戈支持反对派 伊朗教授遇袭身亡

2010-01-13 11:38来源:未知

遇袭身亡的伊朗教授穆罕默迪。伊朗Fars News Agency于2010年1月12日对外发布了这张照片,拍摄日期不详。

A remote-controlled bomb killed a Tehran University physics professor near his home early Tuesday, in what Iranian authorities called an assassination backed by Western powers, including the U.S. and Israel.

Iran often accuses the two countries of meddling in its affairs.

  经确认,死者名叫穆罕默迪(Masoud Ali Mohammadi),今年50岁。伊朗官方报道称穆罕默迪是伊斯兰共和国及其最高领袖哈梅内伊(Ayatollah Ali Khamenei)的忠诚卫士。
The victim was identified as Masoud Ali Mohammadi, 50 years old. Official news reports described Mohammadi as devout, loyal to the Islamic Republic and to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

  然而,6月12日总统选举之前,反对派网站发表了支持反对派领袖穆萨维(Mir Hossein Mousavi)的240位德黑兰大学教师名单,穆罕默迪名列其中。由此次选举引发的6个多月的大规模抗议活动对伊朗总统内贾德的政权稳定性产生了影响。
Before the June 12 presidential election, however, opposition Web sites published Prof. Mohammadi's name among a list of 240 Tehran University teachers who backed opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi. The election triggered more than six months of sometimes-violent street protests that have shaken the regime of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Attacks on Iranian officials in remote provinces aren't uncommon. But a bombing in Tehran, the capital, is rare. The target--seen as a longtime regime insider who appeared to veer toward supporting the opposition--immediately raised suspicion among colleagues and students that the attack was politically motivated.

'The reports about his assassination are suspicious. In the current circumstances in Iran, anything is possible. We are afraid this might be the start of retaliation against professors who criticize the government,' said a university colleague in a telephone interview.

Prof. Mohammadi's membership in Iran's broadly defined nuclear-science brain trust also raised questions about whether the attack was related to the country's controversial nuclear program. Iran says it is pursuing a peaceful nuclear program, but Western officials allege it is seeking weapons.

Tehran blamed the killing on an Iranian royalist opposition group it said operated under the direction of Israel and the U.S., according to state media.

A few hours after the incident, a statement posted on a Web site associated with the royalist group Tandor claimed responsibility. But hours later, many independent news agencies carried a counterstatement by the group, denying it was responsible for the attack and accusing Iran's Intelligence Ministry of setting up a shadow Web site in the group's name. It was impossible to verify the authenticity of the Web site or the conflicting statements.

A U.S. State Department spokesman told the Associated Press the allegation of American involvement was 'absurd.' An Israeli official declined to comment.

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