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2010-01-13 11:35来源:未知

Banks are gearing up to fight a proposal by global regulators to sharply increase capital requirements for institutions that bring in outside investors to fund subsidiaries, saying it will cripple their ability to expand in emerging markets.

Bank executives fear the provision would create huge holes in the capital stocks of a wide range of UK, European and Japanese financial institutions, at a time when they are already under pressure to increase their regulatory capital.

分析师称,在巴塞尔委员会(Basel committee)去年12月份提出的一揽子措施当中,该提案是最“严厉”和最“具破坏潜能”的措施之一。各国监管机构均须执行巴塞尔委员会制定的全球标准。
Analysts described the proposal as one of the most “draconian” and “potentially devastating” parts of a package of measures put forward in December by the Basel committee, which sets global standards that are implemented by local regulators.

根据瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)分析师的估算,银行持有的、用来抵御潜在亏损的股本缓冲将因此项规定而大幅减少。
Credit Suisse analysts calculate the rule would substantially reduce the estimated equity buffers that banks hold against potential losses.

They estimate the so-called equity tier one capital ratio, a key measure of balance sheet strength which excludes hybrid capital such as preference shares, would be cut by 0.7 percentage points from the current 9.6 per cent.

In essence, the Basel committee wants to force banks to stop counting minority-owned stakes as part of their equity capital but insists they continue to recognise the entire potential losses of any subsidiary.

Regulators are essentially saying that banks are on the hook for all the losses of their subsidiaries, but that equity owned by minority investors in a particular subsidiary would not be available to absorb group losses elsewhere in the world.

  花旗(Citi)和Evolution的银行分析师断定,汇丰(HSBC)、法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)、法国农业信贷银行(Crédit Agricole)以及Natixis将尤其受到此项规定的影响。这些银行要么未给予回应,要么拒绝置评。

   Banking analysts at Citi and Evolution have concluded that HSBC, BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole and Natixis would be particularly hard hit. The banks either did not respond or declined to comment.

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