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2010-01-06 12:01来源:未知

Nato's top intelligence officer in Afghanistan has issued a scathing critique of US military intelligence-gathering, warning a failure to understand local communities has deprived commanders of information needed to contain the Taliban.

美国资深情报官员迈克尔•菲尔林(Michael Flynn)少将形容道,指挥官们龟缩在基地里,周围是一群分析师,大家对西方誓言保护的民众的关切只有朦胧的把握。
Major General Michael Flynn, a veteran US intelligence officer, depicted commanders cocooned in bases surrounded by analysts with only a hazy grasp of the concerns of the people the west has vowed to protect.

“通常情况下,级别越高的军官,越是两眼一抹黑,”菲尔林等人在昨日发表的一份报告中表示。“对于高级决策者为开展反叛乱战争而寻求获 得的知识、分析和信息,美国情报官和分析师除了耸耸肩以外,什么也做不了。”他表示,分析师们常常觉得,他们的工作“更像是算命,而不是严肃的侦查工 作”。
“Moving up through levels of hierarchy is normally a journey into greater degrees of cluelessness,” wrote Maj-Gen Flynn and his co-authors in a report released yesterday. “US intelligence officers and analysts can do little but shrug in response to high-level decision-makers seeking the knowledge, analysis and information they need to wage a successful counterinsurgency.” He said analysts often felt their jobs were “more like fortune-telling than serious detective work”.

The report will renew concerns over the capability of US intelligence in the wake of a suicide attack that killed seven Central Intelligence Agency personnel in Afghanistan last week and the attempt to blow up a US airliner on Christmas day.

The report was published as officials sought to ascertain how a Jordanian man reported to be an al-Qaeda double agent was able to infiltrate a military base in eastern Afghanistan last week and inflict the biggest death toll on the CIA in one day in more than 25 years.

该报告是美国智囊团——新美国安全中心(Center for a New American Security)在上述事件发生前委托撰写的,重点关注为美国国防部工作的军人和文职分析师。
The report was commissioned by the Center for a New American Security, a US think-tank, before the latest incidents, and focuses on the US military and civilian analysts employed by the department of defence.


  Written in a tone bordering on exasperation, the report quotes one US officer as saying: “I don't want to say we're clueless, but we are. We're no more than fingernail-deep in our understanding of the environment.”

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