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Wonder Girls的奇迹之路

2010-01-06 11:58来源:未知

当红组合“Wonder Girls”

  很多人想知道,为什么Wonder Girls在韩国乃至世界范围内后受到如此多的爱戴?一些人会说那是因为她们的音乐,她们亮丽的外形,JYP公司等等。但当你逐渐地去了解并爱上她们,你 会发现,她们身上闪耀的人性光辉吸引着你。一个组合之所以所向披靡,那是因为无论何时,队员们都互相关怀照料着。只有这样,一个组合才能克服重重困难,展 翅高飞。
Many people wonder why the Wonder Girls receive so much love from nearly everyone in Korea and world-wide. Some say it’s their music, their pretty face, JYP, etc. But as you grow to love and understand them, you will know that it’s their humanity that attracts you. What makes a group strong is showing care and concern for each other no matter when. Only then, can the group soar high and overcome any difficulties.

Wonder Girls really went through hard times.

  先艺的妈妈在她很小的时候就离开了人世,她爸爸的身体状况也并不乐观。尽管如此,先艺还是坚持锻炼了7个年头。在遭遇车祸后的《Tell Me》专辑宣传期中,先艺的祖父突然辞世,要知道他还没有见到自己孙女的“Tell Me”复出演唱会。那段时间,先艺吃不下东西,人也变得十分消瘦。不久前,在一个电台节目中,先艺向自己的祖母表达了歉意。泪水滑落她的脸庞,她表示为了 自己的祖母她也势必要成功,这样就可以满足祖母的任何要求了。
Sun Ye’s mom passed away when she was just a little girl and her dad isn’t in the best of health. Despite this, Sun Ye continued practicing for 7 years. During the Tell Me days after the accident, Sun Ye’s grandfather passed away before he could see her Tell Me comeback. Sun Ye lost her appetite and it was very noticeable how much weight she had lost. Not long ago, Sun Ye apologized to her grandma at a radio show. As teardrops trickled down her face, she said she will succeed for her grandma and let her do everything she wants.

Ye Eun’s dream was always to be a singer. She did not make it through many auditions with many people telling her to give up but she didn’t. She told them that she wanted to be a singer that could move and inspire people.

Sun Mi is always smiling. Not many know about Sun Mi’s past. The many hard times that she went through. Just right before the Wonder Girls debuted with Irony, Sun Mi’s dad passed away. During her JYP trainee days, she would travel up to Seoul from her hometown of Gyeong-ju by herself and practise.

  昭熙总是在先艺的“minihompy”个人主页上留言,表示训练已经使她筋疲力尽,有时自己真的想退出。在经历了泫雅退队,第一张专辑面世之 后,那个性格开朗,脸上总是挂着微笑的昭熙一下子不见了。当拍摄自己参演的电影时,她总是在拍摄结束后,找到先艺和誉恩并在她们怀里大哭一场。有谣言称她 受到其他成员的不公平对待,她为了不让其他成员感到不愉快,就尽力表现出开心的样子。
So Hee would always leave messages on Sun Ye’s minihompy saying that training was very tiring for her and she wanted to quit sometimes. After HyunA left the group and the first album came out, the So Hee that was outgoing and always smiling was gone. When she was filming for her movie, she would go to Sun Ye and Ye Eun after filming and cry in their arms. As the rumors of her being mistreated by the others came out, she didn’t want the the other members to feel uncomfortable around her so she tried her best to be cheerful.

  泫雅的退出再加上其极强的个性,这也滋生了一些难听的传闻。在做培训生的4年里,她一直刻苦训练,甚至不惜以自己的身体健康为代价。她曾因慢性 胃肠炎被送到影院救治,也正因为如此,她的父母不许她继续留在“Wonder Girls”组合了。关于她离队的原因,外界有许多谣言。泫雅也一度在“Cyworld”个人主页上留言表示自己不想再活下去了。
HyunA’s outgoing and big personality led to some harsh things being said. She had worked hard as a trainee for 4 years even with her health. She has chronic gastroenteritis which got her hospitalized and because of this, her parents did not let her continue with the Wonder Girls. Many unthoughtful rumors came up about why she left the group and there was a time where HyunA wrote an entry on her Cyworld saying that she did not want to live anymore.

  瑜斌曾表示自己常常会因为独自一个人吃饭而哭泣。她的家人都在国外所以她感到十分孤独。节日里,当其他成员离开宿舍和家人团聚共进晚餐时,她只 能孤零零地呆在房间里,自己一个人用餐。在这段艰辛的日子里,她又遭到了一些流言的攻击,称是她逼走了泫雅。她是一个新面孔,为此也有很多人开始针对她。
Yoobin has told us before that she sometimes cries as she eats by herself. Her family are all overseas and she is very lonely. On holidays, as the other members leave the apartment to have dinner with their families, she stays home and has dinner by herself. During these hard times for her, she still had many bad things said about her taking over HyunA’s place. Many anti’s of hers had formed just because of the fact that she was a new member.

  在打造“Wonder Girls”组合时,朴振英就曾告诉先艺要记得在演出后回到练舞室继续训练。甚至是在《Tell Me》宣传期间,在每天仅仅睡三四个钟头的前提下,成员们还是会在赶完通告后,返回公司继续训练。这并不是别人强加给她们的命令,而是完全出于她们自己的 意愿。只有不断地训练,才能呈现完美的表演。

  As Park Jin Young formed the Wonder Girls, he told Sun Ye to always come back to the practice room after performances and practise. Even during their Tell Me days where they barely got 3 or 4 hours of sleep, all of the members would come back after their schedule and practise. Not because someone ordered them to, but because they wanted

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