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  • [双语资讯] 年终岁末职场送礼全攻略 日期:2009-12-22 11:32:53 点击:267 好评:0

    Be careful when playing Santaat the office. Giving certain gifts could get you in trouble。 扮圣诞老人在办公室里大派礼物可要当心。送礼不当可能会惹祸上身。 A Victoria'sSecret gift card for the cute gal who works in the...

  • [双语资讯] 春节联欢晚会用英语怎么说? 日期:2009-12-22 11:32:27 点击:567 好评:6

    春节联欢晚会用英语怎么说 春节联欢晚会Spring Festival Gala /Chinese New Year Gala 例句:Ever since its debut over two decades ago, the Spring Festival Gala has developed into an occasion that most Chinese find it hard to ignore. 常...

  • [双语资讯] 是否“围城”一到“三枪”便让路 日期:2009-12-22 11:31:14 点击:231 好评:0

    围城一到三枪让路? 在老谋子被寄予厚望的复出之作《三枪》频频被观众声讨之时,《十月围城》也加入了贺岁档电影市场争夺。相当一部分人认为随着这部口碑相当不 错的诚意之作的亮相,...

  • [双语资讯] 美国高中生要掌握的100个单词终极收录篇 日期:2009-12-08 11:34:24 点击:1168 好评:2

    abjure v. 发誓放弃 [例句]: Some of the Roman Emperors tried to make Christians abjure theirreligion。 一些罗马皇帝企图迫使基督徒放弃信仰。 abrogate v. 废除 [例句]: Washington decided to abrogate the eternal treaty with Fr...

  • [双语资讯] 玛丽莲-梦露吸大麻录像曝光 日期:2009-12-08 11:32:06 点击:306 好评:0

    玛丽莲-梦露吸大麻录像曝光 A home movie showing a relaxed Marilyn Monroe apparently smoking marijuana has surfaced, retrieved from an attic some 50 years after it was filmed。 The reel-to-reel silent, color film taken at a private home in...

  • [双语资讯] 笑料百出:20个最出人意料职位翻译 日期:2009-12-08 11:31:37 点击:131 好评:0


  • [双语资讯] 聪明员工应该看明白上司的三类肢体语言 日期:2009-12-08 11:30:17 点击:212 好评:0

    Most employees pay attention to what the boss says, while the savvy employee also pays attention to how it is being said. Here are some ways to help interpret the boss' body language: 很多员工都会注意老板说的话,但是精明的员工会注...

  • [双语资讯] 《绯闻女孩》口语:旗鼓相当用英语怎么说 日期:2009-12-03 12:02:02 点击:1109 好评:-2

    影视来源:《绯闻女孩》 剧情引导: Tripp在恰当的时间出现在了恰当的地方,使得他及时救得落水之人,并在媒体前曝光,一时成为英雄,在民众间的口碑大增,选票纷纷转投于他....。。 N...

  • [双语资讯] 电视派生剧TV spin-off 日期:2009-12-03 12:01:09 点击:251 好评:0

    《暮光之城》的男主角罗伯特帕丁森 《暮光之城》的男主角罗伯特帕丁森就拍摄《暮光之城》的电视派生剧正在和顶峰娱乐公司协商,如果该系列电影被搬上电视荧幕,他每集将获得高达近...

  • [双语资讯] 职场救兵:浪费时间的五种求职误区 日期:2009-12-03 12:00:49 点击:185 好评:0

    浪费时间的五种求职误区 Time is money -- whether you've got ajob or not. While it may be tempting to chase down every possibilitywhen you're searching for work, don't. Many can lead you down a blindalley -- where you may lose the contents o...

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