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2012-04-19 14:19来源:未知


A: 大家好! 我是杨琳, 欢迎来到这期的美语训练班!

B: 大家好,我是Kat! 今天的节目中,我们要去看看如何求职写简历,聊聊三振出局 ,要去参加一次销售人员的头脑风暴,还要告诉大家怎么用美语说"美容觉"。

A:不错嘛,Kat! 中文有进步哦!

B: 嘿嘿,谢谢!其实我发现学语言,最好的就是多听多练,比如学英语吧,就该多听听我们的美语训练班...

A: 呀,节目一开始你就做上广告了?

B: Woops! 你怎么不配合我呀!Alright, time for the real class! Let's go to our first episode─learn a word!

Learn A Word catch-22

今天我们要学的词是catch-22. Catch is spelled c-a-t-c-h. Catch-22 就是"catch"这个词后面加上阿拉伯数字22,意思是无法解决的难题,左右为难的局面。刚毕业的大学生不好找工作,The college graduates find themselves in a typical catch-22 situation where employers won't hire them because they lack experience, but without that first job they can't get experience. 大学毕业生面临的就是这种无法摆脱的困境:雇主都不愿意雇缺乏工作经验的新人,可是找不到第一份工作,经验就无从谈起。在城市发展中,常会出现这样的现 象:Retailers are hesitant to invest in areas where there aren't sufficient consumers, but many people also don't want to move to areas where retailers are not easily accessible. That's the catch-22 of urban development. 零售商不愿意去消费者少的地方投资,大家又不愿意搬到买东西不方便的地方去。这就是城市发展的一个两难困境。好的,今天我们学习的词是catch-22, catch-22, catch-22.

A: 我真有同感!Fresh college graduates often face a common catch-22. 公司都要有经验的人,可是没有第一份工作,经验又从哪里来呢?

B: That's why a lot of people get part time jobs while attending college- working part-time helps pay for tuition and you can get some real world experience.

A: 嗯,大学出去打工确实不错!我当时上大学光学习了,没出去好好积攒经验,所以找工作的时候, I got stuck in the same catch-22 situation! This episode hits close to home!

B: But it turned out fine in the end! 你看,你现在不是有幸和著名节目主持人──我──一起主持节目吗?

A:呃。好吧,著名节目主持人。不过大家可能还不知道我刚才说的"close to home"是什么意思,今天的words and idioms, 我们就来学学这个短语的用法!


现在播送<美国习惯用语>第 960讲。我是杨琳。

M:我是 Douglas Johnson.

我刚刚从一个采访现场回来。我们的嘉宾介绍了她有关中东地区冲突的一本新书。拍摄完成后,我注意到,摄像师的情绪好象特别低落,我这才想起他是退伍军人, 在战场上失去过很多战友,一定是嘉宾谈到战场上的伤亡,勾起了他很多痛苦的回忆,这也让我想到了一个习惯用语,那就是:

M:Close to home. Close is spelled c-l-o-s-e, and home; h-o-m-e. Close-to-home.

Close to home这个短语跟家其实没什么关系,它的意思是"触及痛处"。上面的例子中,新书作者谈到中东冲突的惨状,触及了摄像师心里深层的记忆。For him, they were CLOSE TO HOME. 对摄像师来说,这段采访触及了他的痛处。下面这个例子中,我们的法律记者要带我们去看看一个叫M.A.D.D., MADD的组织,咱们去听听是怎么回事:

M: "M.A.D.D. is an organization committed to stopping drunk driving and supporting victims of this terrible crime. It was started in 1980 by a mother who had strong feelings about such issues. Her daughter had been killed by a repeat drunk driver. As with many of MADD's members, this tragedy is very CLOSE TO HOME. "


MADD 这个组织的全称是Mothers Against Drunk Driving, 所以缩写是MADD。对于这位母亲来说,The issue of drunk driving is close to home since her own daughter was killed by a drunk driver. 她对醉酒驾车的害处深有感触,因为她女儿就是被一名醉酒驾车的人撞死的。正是由于这个协会的努力,美国对醉驾的容忍度变小了,惩罚也更为严厉。好的,让我 们再来听听上面那段话。

M: "M.A.D.D. is an organization committed to stopping drunk driving and supporting victims of this terrible crime. It was started in 1980 by a mother who had strong feelings about such issues. Her daughter had been killed by a repeat drunk driver. As with many of MADD's members, this tragedy is very CLOSE TO HOME. "


M: " I wondered what my son was laughing about. He was watching a competition show on TV involving severely heavy people trying to lose weight. I explained to my son how I felt hurt. It was too CLOSE TO HOME. I had been very overweight growing up. And I remembered all the ridicule I suffered years ago. "


这确实挺难受的。不过这位爸爸正好利用这个机会教育自己的孩子怎么面对与自己不一样的人。在这里,我们还可以在这个短语前面加上动词hit, h-i-t, hit. TO HIT CLOSE TO HOME 也是一样的意思。好,我们再来听听刚才那段话:

M: " I wondered what my son was laughing about. He was watching a competition show on TV involving severely heavy people trying to lose weight. I explained to my son how I felt hurt. It was too CLOSE TO HOME. I had been very overweight growing up. And I remembered all the ridicule I suffered years ago. "

今天我们学习的习惯用语是CLOSE TO HOME ,意思是"触及痛处"。好的,这次[美国习惯用语]就到此结束,我是杨琳,我是 Douglas Johnson。谢谢各位的收听。

A: Oh my gosh! This episode hits close to home AGAIN! 我原来就是个小胖墩,所以一上生物课讲到脂肪那一段我就紧张,怕同学笑我!

B: Aww you poor thing! 可现在你不已经苗条了?

A: 呵呵,可是想到以前的胖墩经历还是觉得close to home! 触及痛处!话说我昨天在报纸上看到,每天保证9个小时的睡眠,还可以减肥耶!

B: That's actually true. 也许这就是大家说的美容觉的功效吧!

A: 哈哈,没错! 在下面的How to say it 里面,我们就要来看看这个美容觉用美语怎么说!

Beauty Sleep

Jessica 在北京学中文,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是怡茹要问的:美容觉。

Jessica:Hey 怡茹,I haven't seen you in ages! How's it going?

YR: 很好很好!就是工作太忙。How are you doing?

Jessica: I'm good! Speaking of which, some of us are going to Karaoke tonight, you've got to come with us!

YR: Hmm, I really wanna. 但我明天得见一个大客户,我们又是公关公司,得保持好形象。所以我今天得早点回家,睡个美容觉。

Jessica: Beauty sleep? You don't need a beauty sleep, Yiru, you are always beautiful!

YR: 哈!原来美容觉就是 beauty sleep! 真好记。说真的,前一段时间为了搞定这个大客户,我整天加班,睡也睡不好!所以,我得回家补补觉!对了,这个补觉用美语要怎么说呀?

Jessica: Let me see....you can say you need to catch up on some Zs.

YR: 啊?Catch up on some Zs?

Jessica: 对啊,here we use the capital letter Z. It refers to the sound you make when you are asleep. Zzzz....you know?

YR: 哈哈,太形象了!Catch up on some Zs, 就是补觉的意思!那睡得不踏实,翻来覆去,又要怎么说呢?

Jessica: We call that toss and turn. Toss is spelled t-o-s-s, toss; and turn, t-u-r-n; toss and turn! 这个词组的意思就是辗转反侧,难以入眠!

YR: 我最近因为要给这个客户写商业计划,老是睡不好。I've been tossing and turning all night lately.

Jessica: Oh poor girl! You know what? I think you need to go home and get some shut-eye, we will hang out some other time!

YR: Wait..get some shut-eye? 这难道是休息眼睛的意思吗?

Jessica: It's close! Actually to get some shut-eye also means to catch up on some sleep, 也是睡觉的意思!

YR: 哈!Catch up on some Zs, get some shut-eye, 这些说法真形象! Ok, I will go home now and get a 10-hour sleep!

Jessica: Sounds good! Before you go, tell me what you've learned today!

YR: 第一,美容觉叫做 beauty sleep;

第二,补觉,睡觉可以说 catch up on some Zs, 或者get some shut-eye;

第三,辗转反侧,叫做 toss and turn!

A: 让我也来造个句:I went to three parties this week, so I really need to catch up on some Zs this weekend!

B: 什么?你这个礼拜去了三个party! 怎么没叫上我?

A: 你不是下周有一个重要的面试么?I thought you would be home preparing!

B: Yeah, I was actually. Gosh, finding a new job can be really stressful!

A: 对啊!找工作真不容易!想起原来我找工作的时候,在第一步--写简历上就卡壳了!在今天的美语怎么说里,我们就要来学学如何变成文字杀手,让你的简历别出心裁!

B: Wooo...we need this! 我们赶快来听吧!

Job Application Dialogue: Beginner


Toby 刚刚大学毕业,急着找工作,不过他遇到了一个大问题,我们一起听听看。

Denise: Hi Toby, how are you doing? You don't look very well.

Toby: Hey Denise. I'm just sad because I can't find a job.

Denise: Yeah, it's hard to find a job right now. You need to have a really great resume.

Toby: That's the problem. I don't have a resume yet!

Denise: Really? Well that's OK. I'll help you make one.

原来,Toby 目前最大的障碍是没有一份出色的resume, r-e-s-u-m-e, resume, 简历!

Professor: Yes, Winnie, without a resume he can't find a job. That's why he said he's upset.

不过,Denise 真够朋友,立刻主动提出愿意帮助Toby,给他支支招,写出一份好简历。

Denise: First I need you to tell me what kind of experience you have.

Toby: Well I just graduated from college, so I don't have much work experience.

Denise: Did you have any part-time jobs in college?

Toby: Well, I worked at the campus book store one day per week.

Denise: Great! You can say you have lots of sales experience.

Professor: So Winnie, how does Toby describe his work experience?

他说,自己刚刚大学毕业,没什么工作经验。不过他以前曾经在学校书店有个 part-time job,打过零工,一个礼拜上一天班。

Professor: Exactly. Students have to study a lot, so usually they don't have time for full-time jobs.


Prof: And what's that?

一个字---吹! 写简历的时候最忌讳谦虚。虽然Toby一个礼拜只上一天班,可Denise却让他在简历中写自己有 ǒextensive experience in salesō--丰富的销售经验!

Denise: So Toby, can you tell me exactly what you did at the book store?

Toby: There wasn't much work for me to do, so I just played on the Internet all day.

Denise: Oh! So you have strong computer skills! What else did you do?

Toby: Hmm .... I also talked with my co-workers a lot.

Denise: Great! Strong communication and people skills!

Professor: So Winnie, did you hear what Toby did at his job?


Professor: Right. But I'm not sure he should put that on his resume.

这个您就别担心啦! 没听Denise说么,在网上瞎逛代表 ǒgood computer skills"--擅长使用电脑。唉,这牛吹的!

Professor: I agree. What else did Toby do at his job?

他还老跟同事聊天。不过到了Denise 嘴里,这也成了优点,叫 good communication and people skills---良好的沟通和人际交往能力! 我看等这份简历写出来,连Toby自己都不敢相信自己竟然真的这么出色!

Denise: Alright, now tell me about your educational experience.

Toby: I majored in English.

Denise: Well ... did you learn anything about business when you were at college?

Toby: Hmm .... well when I graduated, I sold some of my old books to a friend.

Denise: Perfect! You have done some sales and have experience in customer service.

Toby: Wow! I never realized I had so much work experience!

Toby 在大学的专业是ǒ英文ō。这么说他应该没有学过什么商业管理的知识吧。

Professor: That's true. But did he learn about business in another way?

我可不觉得!不过,Denise真是很会扯,她听说Toby在毕业的时候把几本旧书卖给了朋友,就说他有sales and customer service experience---销售和客户服务经验!

Professor: Well do you think this resume will help Toby get some interviews?


A: 这简历可真有点唬人: Denise听说Toby曾经在书店打零工,就写上了extensive experience in sales 丰富的销售经验,玩电脑变成了strong computer skills 擅长使用电脑,跟同事聊天竟然是good communication and people skills, 良好的沟通和人际交往能力!这牛吹的都没边了!

B: Hahaha, that's a little bit too much. But in the business world, you really DO need to know how to sell yourself! With a resume like this, I bet Toby can at least make it out to a real interview.

A: Yeah that’s true. 找工作是第一步,要是真的进入商业界,诚信很重要,不过销售技巧也很重要!今天的business etiquette里,销售人员继续进行他们的brainstorm,头脑风暴,我们赶快来听听看!

礼节美语 - Boosting Sales II


Lisa: What about our pricing? Are we competitive?

Frank: Actually, we are roughly 15% more expensive than our closest competitors. But it's going to be hard to cut costs any further, seeing as we are already operating on a very slim margin.

L: There're always ways to cut costs, we just have to think outside the box. Perhaps we should consider re-locating one of our factories to a more cost-efficient country.

F: We can also talk to our vendors about where they place our products. Perhaps if they're placed in a more prominent location in stores, they'll catch the eye of more customers.

在价格方面,Frank说,他们的产品比竞争对手高出大约15%, 但要想进一步削减成本,恐怕很难,因为他们本来就没有多少利润,we're already operating on a very slim margin. Lisa说,要降低成本,一定有办法,必须 think outside the box 用创造性思维,比如考虑把工厂迁到成本更低廉的地方去。Frank说,也可以看看,销售商能否把产品放在商店里更显眼的地方,catch the eye of more customers.吸引更多顾客的注意。

L: Would it help if we offered a mega sale to clear out some of our inventory? We might not make a lot of money, but we might gain some brand awareness.

F: That's a great idea. Getting people talking about our brand would be a big boost.

L: Are we harnessing the power of social network websites?

F: What do you mean?

L: I mean like setting up a Facebook page or using Twitter. It's free to get online and set up an account. We might as well take advantage of these opportunities.

Lisa 建议清仓甩卖,增加 brand awareness 品牌知名度。此外也不能忽视社交网站的力量。We should harness the power of social network websites. harness is spelled h-a-r-n-e-s-s, harness 是驾驭的意思。Lisa说,公司可以在Facebook脸谱网和Twitter推特网上开帐户,免费利用这些网站做宣传。Lisa继续说,

L: Another idea is for us to reevaluate where we are spending our advertising dollar.

F: Right now, we break it down between all the major media outlets. Television advertising gets 45% of our budget, 30% goes to print media, 20% goes to radio and 5% goes towards advertising online.

L: I think we should boost our online advertising. Online ads are cheap and they can reach a much wider audience.

F: All right, I'll ask the ad department to make the changes.

L: If we can implement these new ideas by the end of this quarter, we might be able to reverse our sales slide and put ourselves in position for a major rebound come next year.

F: That would be great.

Lisa还主张在advertising dollar广告开支的分配上进行调整,增加互联网广告投入,因为在网上做广告不仅便宜,而且能 reach a much wider audience 能让更多的人看到。她说,如果能在这个季度结束前把这些措施落实的话,公司就可能reverse our sales slide扭转销售量下滑的趋势,为明年销量翻身做准备。

A: 销售人员建议进行一次mega sale 清仓大甩卖,以此raise brand awareness,增加品牌知名度。此外,还要harness the power of social networking websites, 重视社交网站的力量。这样一来,销售准能上去!

B: These are all great tips, especially the one about social networking websites.

A: That’s true! 好了,现在咱们是不是该换个话题,轻松一下?一起来听今天的体育美语!

American Sports English

P: Hey Yang Chen, could you please give me our baseball tickets? The attendant needs to see them.

Y: Tickets? Yeah, no problem. Let me see ?

P: What? What's the problem?

Y: I didn't bring them. But I can show my ID!

P: Isn't this the third time you've forgotten to bring tickets to the game? You know what? You aren't allowed to be in charge of bringing the tickets anymore.

Y: 三次?Please give me another chance ? it makes me feel so important!

P: Enough. That's three strikes, Yang Chen. You're out!

Y: I don't understand, Patrick ? 你说什么Three strikes, you're out! 我不懂。

P: How many baseball games do I need to take you to? In baseball, a strike S-T-R-I-K-E is when the pitcher throws the ball on the target to the batter and the batter either swings and misses the ball or lets the ball pass him. The umpire ?U-M-P-I-R-E yells, strike! Or more like, ‘streeeeeeikkkkkkkkkke!’

Y:我怎么没听到过棒球裁判 umpire 喊‘streeeeeeikkkkkkkkkke!’

P: That's because you are at the snack bar all the time during the games.

Y: Well, 那这个Three strikes, you're out! 到底和我有什么关系?

P: We have the general saying 'three strikes and you're out' in American English to express when someone still hasn't corrected a problem after three failed chances. When they're 'out' it usually means that they no longer have the opportunity.

Y:其实我知道 Three strikes, you're out! 就是棒球里的"三振出局",如果一个人同样的错误犯三次,我们就说:

P: Three strikes, you're out!

Y :Three strikes, you're out!

A: Three strikes, you're out! Three strikes, you're out!

A&B: Three strikes, you'e out! Three strikes, you're out!

B: Waitàwhat are we talking about here?

A: Hmmm, 没什么,就是练习一下咱们的三振出局气势!

B: 哈哈!这个留着以后用!好了, 这次节目时间就到这里。这次的剪辑是小北,编辑是蔚然。同学们,我们下次的美语训练班再见!

A: See you later!

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  50. 当前看点!OPPO K10系列荒野乱斗联名