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BBC News 2012-03-09

2012-03-13 12:26来源:未知


BBC News with Kathy Clugston


The Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has voted in a referendum on a new constitution which he says is designed to turn Syria into a beacon of democracy. Opposition groups have dismissed the vote as a sham. They said at least 30 people were killed on Sunday, many of them in the continuing onslaught on the central city of Homs. Jim Muir reports.


Voting seemed to go normally in Damascus and some other areas, and polling was even extended till late in the evening. But in some of the more troubled places like parts of Homs, there weren't even any polling stations. The Americans are among those who've derided the referendum, but Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted that there's no quick way forward in trying to boost the opposition and oust President Assad. As the conflict grinds on, Homs has again been the focus of much of the violence with the besieged rebel-held quarter of Baba Amr among several to be bombarded.


The central bank of Syria has urged Syrians holding foreign currency in violation of regulations to exchange the money within 30 days. Those who don't do so have been warned they'll face arrest, and the central bank has published a list of alleged violators on its website. The move comes as the Syrian financial system tries to cope with international economic sanctions.


Colombia's largest left-wing rebel group, the Farc, says it will free 10 members of the security forces it holds hostage and abandon kidnappings for ransom . The move comes just months after the Farc killed four hostages they'd held for more than 12 years, which prompted massive protests. Here's Jeremy McDermott.


The Farc pledged to not only release the remaining political hostages they hold, but to halt their long-term policy of kidnap for ransom - one of their principal sources of income. The announcement is a direct response to government calls to the rebels to halt their involvement in kidnapping as a precondition to peace talks. The new Farc commander in chief Rodrigo Londono, better known by his rebel alias of Timochenko who took over leadership in November last year after his predecessor was killed in combat, has made what amounts to a significant concession, hoping to open the doors to dialogue.


A suicide car bombing at a church in the Nigerian city of Jos has sparked reprisals by angry Christian youths. Three people were killed and nearly 40 wounded in the initial attack outside the church during a morning service. Mark Lobel reports.


Eyewitnesses said the car carrying the bombs hit and killed a woman inside the Christian compound as it sped towards the church. The explosives were then detonated , and pieces of the blue Volkswagen tore into the church, killing a parent and their 18-month-old child. Around 50 worshippers who were injured in the blast were taken to hospital. A group of young Christians then carried out apparent reprisal attacks. Reporters at the scene say at least two Muslims were killed and shops were set alight .


The radical Islamist sect Boko Haram said it carried out the killings at the church.


World News from the BBC


With days to go before Russia's presidential election, thousands of people have linked hands along one of Moscow's main ring roads in their last major protest against the candidate who's expected to win, Vladimir Putin. Mr Putin, who's now prime minister, is standing again to secure a third term as president.


Australia's governing Labor party is holding a leadership election in a few hours' time to resolve the bitter personal rivalry between the Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her predecessor Kevin Rudd. Several opinion polls suggest that the Australian public prefers Mr Rudd.


Stars and celebrities of the American film industry have gathered in Hollywood for their annual award ceremony, the Oscars. This year, a silent movie filmed in black and white, The Artist, is tipped to do well. It's been nominated in 10 categories. Another strong favourite for a prize is the American actress Meryl Streep. She's hoping to win her third Oscar for her portrayal of the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady.


One of the world's finest classical trumpet players, Maurice Andre, has died aged 78. Andre inspired many 20th century composers to write works for him, and some musicologists believe he did more than any other player to popularise the trumpet. Vincent Dowd has more.


Born in the Cevennes region of France, Maurice Andre seemed set to become a miner like the rest of his family. But a family friend spotted his talent as a musician, and he won a place at a conservatoire . By his mid-20s, he was a trumpet player of superb technique and great accuracy. But also with that indefinable musicality which kept him in demand for decades with orchestras , Maurice Andre did much to establish the modern view of the once neglected Baroque music of the 17th and 18th centuries.


BBC News

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